Tag Archives: Libertarianism

Constitutional Q&A: The Legality of Stop and ID Procedures

For those of us awakened to the limits of the government, ie. The Constitution, this is an assault on OUR GOD GIVEN RIGHTS. Where and when did we consent to our rights being abridged? I can find no document that I have ever agreed too that gives up my 4th Amendment right to privacy in ALL my affairs. Our politicos have morphed into big government agents that want to control every move we make. While an ID Card sounds like a great idea to stop the hiring of illegal aliens, it also screams of violation of the 4th amendment.

Here is a great piece that addresses our rights and responsibility when subjected to forced identification by our so-called government officials. Also a booklet that can be downloaded.

Source: The Rutherford Institute :: Constitutional Q&A: The Legality of Stop and ID Procedures

Calling all conservatives: Run for office!

If you have ever considered the action to run for office, NOW is the time. It appears that the non-conservative party, the Democrats, are striking back against the ground swell of support that elected President Trump. If you are like me, the agenda of the Democrats is far too left for America.  Start today by joining with other Republicans in your local club and seeing if there is a need for candidates.  Believe me when I say it, there is a need.  Join with others on the political action network, Restore the USA.  Find your state and county and get busy.

As Thomas Jefferson stated, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

A liberal group is boasting that it has recruited more than 1,200 liberal millennials to run for office in various races around the nation since Donald Trump’s election.

Source: Calling all conservatives: Run for office! – Personal Liberty®

Muslims videoing in Ohio church “suspicious in the extreme”

This is the classic case of “nothing to see here”. Believe that and I have a bridge for you or oceanfront property in Kansas! This is “politically correcting behavior” that doesn’t allow the Pastor to “see the forest for the trees”. We must protect our culture and especially the “Christian Churches”.


Must Catholics believe that Islam is peaceful? Study claims those anxious about terrorism favor Hillary over Trump

Source: Robert Spencer: Muslims videoing in Ohio church “suspicious in the extreme”

The US Economy Has Not Recovered and Will Not Recover 

Myself and many others have always said that when they took the factories and the jobs become service oriented, that we were screwed. Well here you have two top economists that agree.  Do you think that the banks can survive?  Do you think the government can survive all the welfare giveaways?

Read it and YOU DECIDE.

Worthless paper or physical Gold and $ilver?


The US Economy Has Not Recovered And Will Not Recover Paul Craig Roberts The US economy died when middle class jobs were offshored and wh

Source: The Us Economy Has Not Recovered and Will Not Recover – PaulCraigRoberts.org

Ex-Im Bank is Welfare for the One Percent

It is time to end this marriage of government and big corporations. The EX-IM Bank is nothing more than “Corporate Cronyism”. The rich Corporations get richer, send our jobs overseas, hire foreign contractors and WE PAY THEM TO DO IT!

Stop this Government/Corporate marriage TODAY!

This month Congress will consider whether to renew the charter of the Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im Bank). Ex-Im Bank is a New Deal-era federal program that uses taxpayer funds to subsidize the exports of American businesses. Foreign businesses, including state-owned corporations, also benefit from Ex-Im Bank.

Source: The Daily Bell – Ex-Im Bank is Welfare for the One Percent

Democratic legislation targets ammo purchasers

New Jersey was once the crossroads of our heritage, winning many battles to preserve our freedom and create our Republic. Now we are faced with the enemies from within, whom wish to stop the very Patriots that saved our freedom from defense of the same. The few madman that have wrecked havoc on our society is no reason for this treasonous assault on the ability of our Patriots to stay armed.  If we wish to purchase cases of ammunition it should be no concern of the over reaching government.  Again, OUR CONSTITUTION, sets the limits of this government and doesn’t give the empower the legislature to rule over us.

WAKE UP AMERICA!  Get out of the pot before it boils.

Democratic legislation in the House aims to ban online ammunition sales and require vendors to report face-to-face purchases of more than 1,000 rounds to the government.

Source: Democratic legislation targets ammo purchasers – Personal Liberty

One third of millennials view socialism favorably

Here is further proof of the dumbing and reeducating of our students by the leftist, socialist professors. The transition that began with the “So-called Love Generation” has morphed into full blown “government save our souls socialists”.

Younger Americans have a much better view of socialism, and worse view of capitalism, than their elders

Source: YouGov | One third of millennials view socialism favorably

Rand Paul Schools His Rivals on Interventionism

It is refreshing to hear a candidate that goes against the “war hawks” with facts not innuendo. Dr. Paul is not going to join the ranks of those that wish to spend our money forcing liberty on those that do not want our liberty. He is not going to support regimes and then depose them as dictators.

The GOP base, as Rand Paul demonstrated in New Hampshire, are tired of war hawks and RINOs who beat the drums of interventionism.

Source: Rand Paul Schools His Rivals on Interventionism

2016 presidential race: The New Hampshire GOP summit – POLITICO

I post this a pre-cursor to how the election season will be forming. All those present had a different take on a lot of issues. Foreign Policy and Common Core seemed to float to the top of the pile. Even Gov Christie was in action with his, or should I say AMAC, proposal on SSA reform.
Source: 2016 presidential race: The New Hampshire GOP summit – POLITICO

AIIB, Shanghai, UK, France, Germany, BRICS,

The following piece is elegantly written and well presented.  The topic is one of my favorites, “Wealth Destruction”.  As those of you that know me understand that the topic is the inevitable destruction of the petro dollar and the de facto world currency.  Hold onto to your seat as it will be a rough ride.

AIIB, Shanghai, UK, France, Germany, BRICS,.