Calling all conservatives: Run for office!

If you have ever considered the action to run for office, NOW is the time. It appears that the non-conservative party, the Democrats, are striking back against the ground swell of support that elected President Trump. If you are like me, the agenda of the Democrats is far too left for America.  Start today by joining with other Republicans in your local club and seeing if there is a need for candidates.  Believe me when I say it, there is a need.  Join with others on the political action network, Restore the USA.  Find your state and county and get busy.

As Thomas Jefferson stated, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

A liberal group is boasting that it has recruited more than 1,200 liberal millennials to run for office in various races around the nation since Donald Trump’s election.

Source: Calling all conservatives: Run for office! – Personal Liberty®