Category Archives: School Board

Radical Leftism: Coming To a School Near You

Written By: Joshua Charles

Radical Leftism is coming to a school near you under the guise of revamped “civics education.”

But this isn’t the civics of our parents and grandparents. In fact, it’s not like anything prior generations of Americans would recognize as education.

This leftist brand of civics goes by a number of nice-sounding names–terms like “Action Civics,” “New Civics,” “Project-Based Civics,” and even “Civic Engagement.” While you may be tempted to think these describe a good thing—namely, a renewal of civics education in our children’s schools—they are in fact a cloak that is being used to insert leftist indoctrination straight into the school curriculum.

One of the unsung accomplishments of the Trump Administration was the release by a presidential commission of what has come to be known as The 1776 Report, a rousing defense of American history and heritage. The 1776 Report described the left-wing push for “civics” education this way:

New Civics uses direct community service and political action (such as protesting for gun control or lobbying for laws to address climate change) to teach students to bring change to the system itself. Under this guise, civics education becomes less about teaching civic knowledge and more about encouraging contemporary policy positions.

As this description suggests, the basic goal of these left-wing civics programs is to replace learning with activism. The ideal student outcome is not an informed citizen, but an ideological pawn ready to organize on behalf of leftist causes. This approach received tacit federal support under President Obama in 2012 with the release of a White House report called “A Crucible Moment: College Learning and Democracy’s Future.

The report offered a vision for the future of education, in which institutions focused not on teaching young people to love and understand their own country, but to school them in left-wing dogma regarding “inequality,” “sustainability,” and “global citizenship.” None of these concepts have anything to do with the history or nature of the American system, which is supposed to be the purpose of civics education.

Not only does “Action Civics” fail to teach actual civics, but the “values” it promotes will not be your values, and they will not be American values. They will be the values of the extreme left, which seeks to remake the world in the image of the so-called “woke.” As such, this radical break with traditional civics education is a grave threat to the American Experiment which we must confront head-on.

To understand why, we can look back to the wisdom of a now-famous Frenchman, Alexis de Tocqueville. Tocqueville came to visit the United States in the 1830s to figure out what made America tick. His famous work, Democracy in America, was the result of that visit. Tocqueville recognized that the American Constitution was not a simple document. Rather, it incorporated a variety of critical features, namely a mixed government that includes elements of monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy. With this in mind, Toqueville observed that the U.S. Constitution relies on ordinary American citizens being well-educated in true civics, and devoted to rational thinking.

In other words, he observed that for our constitutional system to work, the citizenry must be knowledgeable. They must be taught how America works, why it works, and what its underlying principles are. If modern schools choose to begin “education” with activism, they skip this all-important step, and instead prepare young people to be unthinking political tools rather than informed citizens.

Genuine civics should first teach rising generations why our Constitution is designed the way it is. Our Founders were among the most well-educated generations in human history. They read widely, and learned many lessons from the histories of Greece, Rome, and Europe. They incorporated these lessons into our constitutional framework. Understanding those lessons, and how they informed our system, is vital to any genuine civics education.

From there, true civics education should teach young people how our system actually functions. What are the powers of each branch? What are their limits? How have those evolved over the last two centuries? How does our system distribute sovereignty?

Only once young people understand and appreciate these fundamentals can they assume their proper role responsibilities as educated citizens. But “Action Civics” reverses this. It takes young, uninformed minds, preys on their idealism, and transforms them into foot soldiers for leftist causes. All the while, they are left ignorant of their country, and taught to despise what makes it unique.

Such mis-education not only fails to instill a sense of patriotism in the young, it amounts to outright indoctrination. Why would future generations ever defend or preserve a nation they have been taught is evil?

In the words of Montesquieu, another famous French philosopher–one deeply admired by our founders–“It is not young people who degenerate; they are ruined only when grown men have already been corrupted.”

With the help of several Republican co-sponsors, Democrats are trying to make this corruption of the young permanent with their recent introduction of the Civics Secures Democracy Act.

This cannot be allowed to happen. This will be the subject of ongoing reporting in the days and weeks ahead.

Link to article:

Calling all conservatives: Run for office!

If you have ever considered the action to run for office, NOW is the time. It appears that the non-conservative party, the Democrats, are striking back against the ground swell of support that elected President Trump. If you are like me, the agenda of the Democrats is far too left for America.  Start today by joining with other Republicans in your local club and seeing if there is a need for candidates.  Believe me when I say it, there is a need.  Join with others on the political action network, Restore the USA.  Find your state and county and get busy.

As Thomas Jefferson stated, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

A liberal group is boasting that it has recruited more than 1,200 liberal millennials to run for office in various races around the nation since Donald Trump’s election.

Source: Calling all conservatives: Run for office! – Personal Liberty®

Switzerland: Court rules Muslim girls must swim with boys, government says integrate or leave

The Swiss believe in integration. The Court even used that in its ruling,

The Basel court stated that it was greatly “in the public interest that all children, including girls of the Muslim faith, go to school swimming lessons”. This was not only so that they should learn to swim but also because such lessons encouraged socialisation and integration, it continued.

I can only hope and pray that the rest of Europe will awaken to the fact that if you do not require the Muslim to integrate then they should be asked to leave.  Not kowtowed too.  The Swiss education requires swimming lessons. See here for more background on these cultural conflicts.

“Court rules Muslim girls MUST swim with boys after Government says integrate or leave,” by Rebecca Perring, Express, January 10, 2017:

SWITZERLAND has won a landmark court case, which has ruled Muslim parents must send their children to mixed swimming lessons.

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) said school bosses are justified in enforcing the “full school curriculum” and children’s “successful integration” into society.

Although the court recognized religious freedoms were being interfered with, judges said there was no violation.

Source: Switzerland: Court rules Muslim girls must swim with boys, government says integrate or leave

Man Runs For Sheriff To Oust CAIR Supporting “Sharia-Compliant Muslims” From Police Force, School Board

This is why we created Restore the USA. Helping to empower local activist citizens to stand up to the political machine. Stop the insidious usurpation of OUR Constitution. We continue encourage you to engage the politicos and return to self governance.

The scenario being played out in Broward County Florida, is no doubt being repeated all across America, in both rural communities and within urban enclaves, as more and more citizens become aware of what […]

Source: Man Runs For Sheriff To Oust CAIR Supporting “Sharia-Compliant Muslims” From Police Force, School Board ⋆ US Herald

Rutgers displays “artwork” of Christ crucified on a dartboard, Christians worldwide riot — no, wait…

I offer this despicable display as a challenge, especially to Christians, to take a stand against this so-called “Freedom of Expression”. When an artist decides to desecrate our religion, do we need to just stand by and accept it as so called expression? I say no! We must have a resolve to respond to these hideous attacks.  Any response just not silence.  Regardless whether the university removes the display or not, where is the outrage?


Source: Rutgers displays “artwork” of Christ crucified on a dartboard, Christians worldwide riot — no, wait…

Swiss anger at Muslim handshake exemption in Therwil school 

The invasion of Switzerland has been going on for some time. While the Swiss have not allowed mosques with spheres, they are now being influenced by the new culture of islam. Why is it that ALL people must adhere and submit to this insane culture? Why, because they threaten with force or lawyers. Let’s stop this from infecting the United States anymore than it has already!


A Swiss secondary school sparks a fervor by allowing two Muslim boys not to shake hands with women teachers – a common greeting in Swiss schools.

Source: Swiss anger at Muslim handshake exemption in Therwil school – BBC News

Only In America: An Indiscreet Selfie Can Put A Kid In Prison 

This just goes to show you how our laws are stretched to include those that are minors. We are fighting with those that wish to invoke sharia and here we have laws that are re-engineered to effect a child’s life to come. I can not agree more with this piece. When we were younger we handled situations like this much differently.


Only In America: An Indiscreet Selfie Can Put A Kid In Prison Paul Craig Roberts Did you know that if you are an American under eighteen years old and you use your…

Source: Only In America: An Indiscreet Selfie Can Put A Kid In Prison — Paul Craig Roberts –

High School Principal CANCELS AMERICA DAY 

Thankfully these students have gone against the bigoted education they must be receiving. For a principal and assistant principal to even consider an un-American action is most disturbing.  Believe me when I say I am not naive to these progressives.  It is just appalling to see these administrators empowered and progressive.  This is a great example why we must be involved in ALL aspects of government.  ATTEND your school board.  Flush out these progressives and return to OUR conservative values.


School officials appear to have been worried about the tender feelings of immigrants

Source: High School Principal CANCELS AMERICA DAY | The Daily Caller