Tag Archives: States Rights

Bannon’s war on the corrupt Senate made necessary by the 17th Amendment 

The ever dogged 17th Amendment is obviously a coup by those progressives that wish to destroy the limited power of OUR Constitution. When the states lost their power over their senators, power replaced by lobbyist, they became wards of the US Government. Relying on the money that flowed back to the states instead of having control over the process.

Bannon’s war on the corrupt Senate made necessary by the 17th Amendment by Bob Livingston Breitbart head and former President Donald Trump strategist Steve Bannon has engaged in a full-scale effort to take out Senate Republicans facing election this year in a bid to purge the fossilized do-nothing obstructionists he believes are standing in Trump’s path.Bannon’s main target is Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. But McConnell is not on

Source: Bannon’s war on the corrupt Senate made necessary by the 17th Amendment – The Bob Livingston Letter

This Trump/Paul healthcare proposal looks a lot better than anything we’ve seen so far 

Really glad to hear this news. Let’s help promote this change to the existing law that doesn’t allow the people to shop for healthcare.

The GOP establishment in Congress has made it abundantly clear that Republican lawmakers are never going to repeal or rework Obamacare in any meaningful way. President Donald Trump is reportedly thinking about taking Obamacare revision efforts into his own hands, starting with a change conservative Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has long advocated. This is good news.

Source: This Trump/Paul healthcare proposal looks a lot better than anything we’ve seen so far – Personal Liberty®

Maine Upholds The US Constitution By Prohibiting Any State Gun Registry: Nullifies Over-Reach By Federal Government

Kudo’s to the Maine Legislature. About time that states used the 10th Amendment to hold off the tyranny of the US Government.

AUGUSTA, Maine (Sept. 25. 2017) – A law prohibiting any type of state firearms registry is now in effect in Maine. The law will not only protect the privacy of Maine gun owners, it will also hinder…

Source: Maine Upholds The US Constitution By Prohibiting Any State Gun Registry: Nullifies Over-Reach By Federal Government

Senate Bill to Force Citizens to Register Cash Not in a Bank, Violators Get 10 Years in Prison

As if the government wasn’t in our lives enough already.  We, the people of the United States, seem to forget that our Constitution limits our governance.  Where is it in the Constitution that it even allows the government to print money.  Money that is backed by nothing.  Our founders had the foresight to allow only coined, Gold and $ilver.  This bill should not get out of committee.  So unconstitutional.

A new bill requires US citizens to declare ALL assets in excess of $10,000 — or have the entirety of their accounts and assets seized, and spend ten years in prison.

Source: Senate Bill to Force Citizens to Register Cash Not in a Bank, Violators Get 10 Years in Prison

The George Mason Fabrication « Publius-Huldah’s Blog

We often hear this call for a Con-Con. A Constitutional Convention. Article V. I always state, “they are NOT following the limited powers of our Constitution now”. Why would changing it make it more amenable to their liking? The only changes that would happen would entail the destruction of OUR REPUBLIC.

This is a great piece by my friend, Publius-Huldah, whom writes extensively about the Constitution.  It is a wonderful piece that will arm you as you continue to defend the Constitution and our Bill of Rights.

“…of those men who have overturned the liberties of republics, the greatest number have begun their career by paying an obsequious court to the people; commencing demagogues, and ending tyrants.” Federalist No. 1 (5th para), Alexander Hamilton.

Those who have read Article I, §8, clauses 1-16 of our federal Constitution know that it delegates only a tiny handful of powers (over the Country at large) to the federal government.

They also know that, for the last 100 years, the federal government has violated the Constitution by usurping thousands of powers not delegated.

So what do we do about it?

1. The silly answer of the convention lobby

The convention lobby says that when the federal government violates the Constitution, the solution is to amend the Constitution.

Now think about that: When a spouse violates the marriage vows, is the solution is to change the marriage vows? When people ignore speed limits, is the solution to change the speed limits? When people violate the Ten Commandments, is the solution to change the Ten Commandments?

Of course not! The solution is obedience: to the Constitution, the marriage vows, the speed limits, and God.

But the convention lobby moves from silliness to insidiousness: They say we can only get the amendments we need at an Article V convention.

Source: The George Mason Fabrication « Publius-Huldah’s Blog

The Ugly Side Of Agenda 2030’s ‘Affordable Housing For All’

You are probably not aware of the local to NJ, Council on Affordable Housing (COAH). This agency is deciding how many of these high density housing units our towns are required to have.  Combined with the HUD money that is flowing, it is a dangerous combination.

What happened in Whitehall Township can happen in any community that has zoning laws and accepts federal money for fair housing or urban development. Even if AFFH is overturned, as the Whitehall case shows, the agency can claim discrimination for a host of reasons that may or may not be fair to communities. This is why communities must protect their local autonomy and their right to control zoning and land use.

Community members must stay informed and involved. Learn about HUD and how their grant requirements can alter your town, city, or county. Study the effects of regional sustainable development on local jurisdictional authority, on taxes, and on lifestyles. Then work with local officials to protect your neighborhoods for now and for future generations.

Technocracy is epitomized in the UN’s New Urban Agenda, which intends to transform the world’s cities into micro-managed hive populations of humans. It is the prime directive for “Smart Cities” that utilize advanced technology and planning.

Source: The Ugly Side Of Agenda 2030’s ‘Affordable Housing For All

Switzerland: Court rules Muslim girls must swim with boys, government says integrate or leave

The Swiss believe in integration. The Court even used that in its ruling,

The Basel court stated that it was greatly “in the public interest that all children, including girls of the Muslim faith, go to school swimming lessons”. This was not only so that they should learn to swim but also because such lessons encouraged socialisation and integration, it continued.

I can only hope and pray that the rest of Europe will awaken to the fact that if you do not require the Muslim to integrate then they should be asked to leave.  Not kowtowed too.  The Swiss education requires swimming lessons. See here for more background on these cultural conflicts.

“Court rules Muslim girls MUST swim with boys after Government says integrate or leave,” by Rebecca Perring, Express, January 10, 2017:

SWITZERLAND has won a landmark court case, which has ruled Muslim parents must send their children to mixed swimming lessons.

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) said school bosses are justified in enforcing the “full school curriculum” and children’s “successful integration” into society.

Although the court recognized religious freedoms were being interfered with, judges said there was no violation.

Source: Switzerland: Court rules Muslim girls must swim with boys, government says integrate or leave

Obama’s Historic Land Grab: 553 Million Acres For ‘Conservation’

We must beware of this outgoing administration as it tries to provoke another Bundy Ranch stand-off. You have to know they want to exert their power over us.

As posted by the Green Valley /Sahuarita Oath Keepers…

We are all angry over the unilateral theft of Nevada land through the establishment of the Gold Butte National Monument. Yes, this is a parting shot at the Bundy family, as this action will push them off their land. It is criminal, unconstitutional, and affront to property rights.
With this being said, this is an intententional escalation to not only to take revenge on the Bundy family (after their recent successful court battle), but also to goad patriots into another confrontation. Right now we have seen the usual suspects calling for people within the patriot community to take up arms. The government is well aware that this would be the reaction from some, and they are ready for it.
Folks, we have 21 days until the inauguration of our new president, and Obama is desperately trying to overturn the chessboard on his way out. We have seen this with the recent designations of the Gold Butte and Bears Ears National Monuments. We have also seen this with the constant and escalating rhetoric towards the Russians.
Obama is attempting to push people into conflict and we must resist a knee-jerk reaction. Putin has seen this and despite accusations, assassinations, expulsion of diplomats and sanctions, is not retaliating. Putin knows all he has to do is hold out 21 days and a reversal of disastrous policies may ensue. We must also take this stance.
If WW3 or a civil war were to kick off who benefits? The people who benefit are the establishment politicians (of BOTH parties) who are terrified that their iron grip on the throats of the American people is slipping away. A war would provide the necessary excuse to drop the hammer and institute more draconian measures.
Stand fast patriots……we have 21 days.

Here is the background on this provocation by this despicable administration.

Technocracy as a resource-based economic system, intends to place all land resources into a global common trust to be ‘administered’ by Technocrat scientists and engineers. This land-grab scam is always passed off on Sustainable Development, Green Economy or Conservation. But, Sustainable Development IS Technocracy!
Source: Obama’s Historic Land Grab: 553 Million Acres For ‘Conservation’

Major Border Crisis: Illegal Muslims Crossing Into the US Up 935%

We are receiving reports of a surge of undocumented Asian, African and Haitian, mostly middle aged men attempting to cross the southern border. As seen in this video and the following report, this is overwhelming the shelters on the border.

A “United Nations” mix of illegals trying to cross the U.S. border raises terrorist concerns and could cost America billions. The Washington Examiner, reports that Cubans trying to get in have doubled while illegal entries from Pakistanis have surged 935 percent.

Source: Major Border Crisis: Illegal Muslims Crossing Into the US Up 935%

All Federal Gun Control Is Unlawful ~ Publius Huldah

Publius Huldah is a retired litigation attorney who now lives in Tennessee. Before getting a law degree, she got a degree in philosophy where she specialized in political philosophy and epistemology (theories of knowledge).

She now writes extensively on the U.S. Constitution, using the Federalist Papers to prove its original meaning and intent. She shows how federal judges and politicians have ignored Our Constitution and replaced it with their personal opinions and beliefs. She also shows how The People can, by learning our Founding Principles themselves, restore our Constitutional Republic.

Oath Keepers

Source: All Federal Gun Control Is Unlawful ~ Publius Huldah | Oath Keepers