Category Archives: Welfare

Major Border Crisis: Illegal Muslims Crossing Into the US Up 935%

We are receiving reports of a surge of undocumented Asian, African and Haitian, mostly middle aged men attempting to cross the southern border. As seen in this video and the following report, this is overwhelming the shelters on the border.

A “United Nations” mix of illegals trying to cross the U.S. border raises terrorist concerns and could cost America billions. The Washington Examiner, reports that Cubans trying to get in have doubled while illegal entries from Pakistanis have surged 935 percent.

Source: Major Border Crisis: Illegal Muslims Crossing Into the US Up 935%

Maine Ends Dependence On Food Stamps: How Did It Happen? 

This is a no-brainer. No dependents, no food stamps if you are able to work and choose not too. Not only that, they need to be in training or working. Reminds me of another workfare-welfare program that was enacted.

The Welfare Reform Act, officially the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of Nineteen Ninety-Six.

The law ended AFDC. It required work in exchange for temporary relief; no more than two years could be used before parents would be working or in job training. No recipient could have more than five years of assistance cumulatively. There were a handful of concessions, such as providing new monies for childcare and medical insurance for mothers in cases in which mothers were shifting to employment. See a synopsis here.

The number of childless, able-bodied adult food stamp recipients in Maine fell by eighty percent in just a few months.

Source: Maine Ends Dependence On Food Stamps: How Did It Happen? | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis – IBD