Tag Archives: Convention of the States

This founding father will renew your hope for liberty 

This gentleman of the early days of the Republic is a great example of how we should be today. His resolve to live free and without fear of tyranny allowed him to write and say those things that need to be still said today.  As some of us sit behind our computers and expouse that, that we wish to resolve, this gentleman and those of the time “took action”.

The same action we are called too TODAY!

When John Dickinson died, both houses of Congress wore black armbands in mourning. Why? Because Dickinson recognized that the essential purpose of government was to maintain liberty against others’ predatory acts and that without liberty, “loss of happiness then follows as a matter of course,” helping motivate our founders to create a government whose basis in liberty would make them “protectors of unborn ages, whose fate depends upon your virtue.”

John Dickinson was among America’s most important founders. He was a colonial legislator, member of the Stamp Act, Continental, and Confederation Congresses, chief executive of both Delaware and Pennsylvania, and president of the 1786 Annapolis convention that led to the Constitutional Convention.,

Source: This founding father will renew your hope for liberty – Personal Liberty®

Why States Can’t Prevent a Runaway Convention

Again my friend Publius nails the very reason why this Article V is so dangerous to our Republic. We must be forever diligent if we are to keep our freedoms. The politicos do not follow the Constitution now, what makes the Article V’ers believe they will later. The way to return OUR Government, is to participate. We have, for far too long, been bystanders. The time is NOW to take action. Join County Committees, get neighbors and friends to join and strengthen the voice of liberty.  Elect only those willing to follow the Constitution to a “T”.

By Publius Huldah The danger of an Article V convention (which made James Madison “tremble”, caused Alexander Hamilton “dread”, and Chief Justice John Jay to say that another convention would impos…

Source: Why States Can’t Prevent a Runaway Convention

The George Mason Fabrication « Publius-Huldah’s Blog

We often hear this call for a Con-Con. A Constitutional Convention. Article V. I always state, “they are NOT following the limited powers of our Constitution now”. Why would changing it make it more amenable to their liking? The only changes that would happen would entail the destruction of OUR REPUBLIC.

This is a great piece by my friend, Publius-Huldah, whom writes extensively about the Constitution.  It is a wonderful piece that will arm you as you continue to defend the Constitution and our Bill of Rights.

“…of those men who have overturned the liberties of republics, the greatest number have begun their career by paying an obsequious court to the people; commencing demagogues, and ending tyrants.” Federalist No. 1 (5th para), Alexander Hamilton.

Those who have read Article I, §8, clauses 1-16 of our federal Constitution know that it delegates only a tiny handful of powers (over the Country at large) to the federal government.

They also know that, for the last 100 years, the federal government has violated the Constitution by usurping thousands of powers not delegated.

So what do we do about it?

1. The silly answer of the convention lobby

The convention lobby says that when the federal government violates the Constitution, the solution is to amend the Constitution.

Now think about that: When a spouse violates the marriage vows, is the solution is to change the marriage vows? When people ignore speed limits, is the solution to change the speed limits? When people violate the Ten Commandments, is the solution to change the Ten Commandments?

Of course not! The solution is obedience: to the Constitution, the marriage vows, the speed limits, and God.

But the convention lobby moves from silliness to insidiousness: They say we can only get the amendments we need at an Article V convention.

Source: The George Mason Fabrication « Publius-Huldah’s Blog

Conservative lawmakers weigh bid to call for constitutional convention

Again I state that this is perhaps the most dangerous move that “We the People” could allow to happen.  We have a Congress that doesn’t follow the Constitution now, what makes anyone believe that they will consider following a new or refined Constitution.  We the people need to awaken to the fact the WE are the POWER, not the politicos. As quoted from an article in The New American,

“What is absolutely necessary to turn this situation around is a large-scale, grassroots education campaign on the practical aspects of how the Constitution already limits the power of the federal government,” Greenley concluded. “In order to restore our freedom, an informed electorate must be created that will roll back the power of the special interests by electing federal and state representatives who will enforce the Constitution as originally intended.” A con-con, on the other hand, has the very real potential to destroy or undermine that same Constitution, putting all Americans’ rights in jeopardy.  

Conservative lawmakers weigh bid to call for constitutional convention – The Washington Post.