Tag Archives: 4th Amendment

New Jersey Gun ‘Appeasement’ Still Results in Citizen Disarmament

This is the reason I support Oath Keepers. We are fast approaching a time where, depending on the state you live in, confiscation orders are increasingly likely. While many in “law enforcement” will no doubt obey such orders, it is to our advantage to encourage those who will not, and to get others thinking about the oath they took when they became sworn officers, and what that really requires of them.

Appeasing gun-grabbers, generally couched as “compromise,” is impossible. It’s like throwing a scrap of flesh to a circling pack of jackals and expecting them to be sated and leave you alone — instead of sensing opportunity and fear, and moving in closer.

That’s an analogy I wish more of our “gun rights leaders” in state and national groups would act like they understand.

Appeasing gun-grabbers, generally couched as “compromise,” is impossible.

Read more: https://www.ammoland.com/2018/07/new-jersey-gun-appeasement-still-results-in-citizen-disarmament/ Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Follow us: @Ammoland on Twitter | Ammoland on Facebook

Source: New Jersey Gun ‘Appeasement’ Still Results in Citizen Disarmament

HART: Homeland Security’s Massive New Database Will Include Face Recognition, DNA, and Peoples’ “Non-Obvious Relationships”

When will we realize that the power that we continue to secede to corrupt and power hunger politicos will be used against us.  Remember when it was OK to talk about religion and politics?  Remember when politics was not a career?

Without or even perhaps while knowing, we have given consent to those that govern and allowed these big agencies to become mammoth in size.  Now we have a bigger brother than ever overlooking ALL we do.

Source: HART: Homeland Security’s Massive New Database Will Include Face Recognition, DNA, and Peoples’ “Non-Obvious Relationships” | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Constitutional Q&A: The Legality of Stop and ID Procedures

For those of us awakened to the limits of the government, ie. The Constitution, this is an assault on OUR GOD GIVEN RIGHTS. Where and when did we consent to our rights being abridged? I can find no document that I have ever agreed too that gives up my 4th Amendment right to privacy in ALL my affairs. Our politicos have morphed into big government agents that want to control every move we make. While an ID Card sounds like a great idea to stop the hiring of illegal aliens, it also screams of violation of the 4th amendment.

Here is a great piece that addresses our rights and responsibility when subjected to forced identification by our so-called government officials. Also a booklet that can be downloaded.

Source: The Rutherford Institute :: Constitutional Q&A: The Legality of Stop and ID Procedures

This founding father will renew your hope for liberty 

This gentleman of the early days of the Republic is a great example of how we should be today. His resolve to live free and without fear of tyranny allowed him to write and say those things that need to be still said today.  As some of us sit behind our computers and expouse that, that we wish to resolve, this gentleman and those of the time “took action”.

The same action we are called too TODAY!

When John Dickinson died, both houses of Congress wore black armbands in mourning. Why? Because Dickinson recognized that the essential purpose of government was to maintain liberty against others’ predatory acts and that without liberty, “loss of happiness then follows as a matter of course,” helping motivate our founders to create a government whose basis in liberty would make them “protectors of unborn ages, whose fate depends upon your virtue.”

John Dickinson was among America’s most important founders. He was a colonial legislator, member of the Stamp Act, Continental, and Confederation Congresses, chief executive of both Delaware and Pennsylvania, and president of the 1786 Annapolis convention that led to the Constitutional Convention.,

Source: This founding father will renew your hope for liberty – Personal Liberty®

Should computer support firms get warrants to fix your hard drive?

This stinks to high heaven. See something, say something, but is it really legal? Especially when we read they have special scanning software provided by the agency? This appears to be a 4th amendment issue. Do the agencies have Cart Blanche? What if it was terrorist activity or bomb making diagrams? Does that make us guilty because it is on our hard-drive? I think not! Source: Should computer support firms get warrants to fix your hard drive? « Hot Air