Tag Archives: Militarization of police

New Jersey Gun ‘Appeasement’ Still Results in Citizen Disarmament

This is the reason I support Oath Keepers. We are fast approaching a time where, depending on the state you live in, confiscation orders are increasingly likely. While many in “law enforcement” will no doubt obey such orders, it is to our advantage to encourage those who will not, and to get others thinking about the oath they took when they became sworn officers, and what that really requires of them.

Appeasing gun-grabbers, generally couched as “compromise,” is impossible. It’s like throwing a scrap of flesh to a circling pack of jackals and expecting them to be sated and leave you alone — instead of sensing opportunity and fear, and moving in closer.

That’s an analogy I wish more of our “gun rights leaders” in state and national groups would act like they understand.

Appeasing gun-grabbers, generally couched as “compromise,” is impossible.

Read more: https://www.ammoland.com/2018/07/new-jersey-gun-appeasement-still-results-in-citizen-disarmament/ Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Follow us: @Ammoland on Twitter | Ammoland on Facebook

Source: New Jersey Gun ‘Appeasement’ Still Results in Citizen Disarmament

What’s really behind the ongoing push for gun control? 


In the wake of the alleged Sandy Hook school shooting, Democrat Congressman Jerrold Nadler let slip how the agents of the state feel about the people owning guns: One of the definitions of a nation state is that the state has a monopoly on legitimate violence. And the state ought to have a monopoly on legitimate violence. If the premise of your question is that people are going to resist a tyrannical government by shooting machine guns at American troops, that’s insane.

Source: What’s really behind the ongoing push for gun control? – Personal Liberty®

The Police State and Moral Relativism

low-hum5An insidious police state is stealing over America today. We as a country have become like a freezing man slipping off to sleep in a blizzard, incapable of recognizing the demise of the liberty and honor on which we were formed. Our liberal-neocon intelligentsia are responsible for this. Their perfidy is comprised of five elements:

Source: The Police State and Moral Relativism – Americans for a Free Republic

Sheriff’s deputies team with military for special-ops exercises


I am surprised by the amount of ops that are occurring within the United States. The reoccurring theme is “training for civilian scenarios” in other countries. What doesn’t smell right is the militarization of our local police beforehand. Now it appears that they are being trained, firsthand to use the equipment.  In my opinion these ops are to desensitize Americans to military presence.  Continue to prepare your escape route for when martial law occurs.


from: A Free Press For A Free People

Source: Sheriff’s deputies team with military for special-ops exercises

Cops Seemingly Had No Idea Driver’s Camera Was Rolling When They Had This Conversation During Traffic Stop

So you think you can trust the law enforcement officer whom has stopped your vehicle?  Well these two officers need to be fired.  It is despicable that this happened.  It doesn’t matter if they didn’t know that they were being recorded.  It goes to show US that this really does occur.

Source: Cops Seemingly Had No Idea Driver’s Camera Was Rolling When They Had This Conversation During Traffic Stop | Video | TheBlaze.com

Texas Ranger Drops Jade Helm Bombshell: “There Are Trains With Shackles On Them”

“None of my brothers trust Homeland. We will have to see where this is going but I have a bad feeling.”

Source: Texas Ranger Drops Jade Helm Bombshell: “There Are Trains With Shackles On Them”

Can small-government candidates capitalize on American dissatisfaction?

While I agree with the results of this poll, I do not put much faith in polls. The poll taker sets the stage and then harvests the expected result. This Government has been running wild since 9/11 and has morphed into an out of control monster.  We have out of control spending on the security state, drones killing innocents, NSA spying on our people and the militarization of our local police.  Going into this election season, I personally do hear more and more descent by co-workers, church members and friends. I put my friends last, as my friends are like-minded.

Nearly 2 out of 3 Americans recently polled by Rasmussen report that they are getting tired of living in a warfare/welfare/nanny state.

Source: Can small-government candidates capitalize on American dissatisfaction? – Personal Liberty

Public opinion swings toward gun ownership; away from gun control

Looks like the Bloomberg Gun-Grabbers strategy has back-fired. Americans are awakening to movement that is “infringing” on OUR RIGHTS.  More law-abiding citizens are turning to gun ownership.  OUR GOD Given right to bear arms.

Public opinion swings toward gun ownership; away from gun control – Personal Liberty.