Tag Archives: Media Bias

Booker: Mentally Fit for Office? 

Truth is, Mr. Booker is so full of himself that he believes that what Senator Durbin thinks he heard is what was said. We have multiple Congressmen and women whom have described nothing like what Mr. Durbin is contesting. Perhaps, but not likely, Mr. Trump leaned over to Mr. Durbin and said something, and that Mr. Durbin interrupted that to be what Mr. Durbin actually thinks?? You decide. The insanity behind the word games is somewhat over the top and allows the administration to function at will.  Let the Democrats continue to obstruct and burn out.

Perhaps Mr. Booker should consider resigning? He is showing signs of rage and sexism. Anyone going to complain….

Source: Political Editors: Booker: Mentally Fit for Office? — The Patriot Post

Conservative Activists Target Maddow Advertisers 

The interesting side of this, is that the advertisers actually got the message. When was the last time that has occurred? The prime example was the backlash against USAA, unfortunately the victory is not a sweet one.  USAA also returned to the non-conservative outlets.

Fight fire with fire

Source: Conservative Activists Target Maddow Advertisers Via @dailycaller

Trump’s ‘Wag the Dog’ Moment 

As a continuum to my earlier post, Why the Syria gas attack was a false flag, I offer this well presented piece. The evidence that I have been seeing is not supporting the facts that the Trump Administration were fed.  Most, if not all the evidence is leading to a false narrative of Assad gassing his people.  This piece and a few others have indicated that the bombing by Assad was just that a bombing of rebel positions.

But a number of intelligence sources have made contradictory assessments, saying the preponderance of evidence suggests that Al Qaeda-affiliated rebels were at fault, either by orchestrating an intentional release of a chemical agent as a provocation or by possessing containers of poison gas that ruptured during a conventional bombing raid.One intelligence source told me that the most likely scenario was a staged event by the rebels intended to force Trump to reverse a policy, announced only days earlier,

Source: Trump’s ‘Wag the Dog’ Moment – Consortiumnews

What life will be like in Hillary Clinton’s America

If I have learned anything at all in my lifetime, it is to look at what they do and not what they say they will do. Specifically, we see the Clinton Foundation, that feeds the Clinton Dynasty, ruthlessly dealing with lives of people with no concern. We hear Clinton espousing that we are deplorable when in fact the sociopaths behavior is far more deplorable.

Even while vowing in stump speeches to fight for “all Americans,” the lying Wicked Witch from Chappaqua turns around and tells us in word and deed that the only Americans she cares about are those elites who will fawn over her or can write big checks to her campaign fund or her money laundering operation – the Clinton Foundation.

Source: What life will be like in Hillary Clinton’s America – Personal Liberty®

Globalism through U.N.’s Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and Vision 2050

The new term of the day, VISION 2050. These globalists will stop at nothing to push their agenda on the world. America the last bastion of freedom stands in the way. We must be aware of these scoundrels and throw off their plans to enslave us along with the world.

Globalism through U.N.’s Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and Vision 2050, low-carbon mobility city, EPA, Presidential candidate and highly successful businessman Donald Trump said it best; we should be concentrating on Americanism, not globalism

Source: Globalism through U.N.’s Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and Vision 2050

“Radical” vs. “Moderate” Islam: A Muslim View

This is a common mistake that Westerners and non-muslims make. They, the West, believe that there is some way of co-existence with islam. The mere fact that islam means submit should say it all. If you are honest with yourself and others that you talk with, you can see the countries that are islamic are just that, islamic. The ideology is complete submission to the so called sharia law that determines all you can or can not do. Does that sound compatible to you? The following piece is a must read for those that believe there is a radical vs non-radical islam.

One of Iran’s highest clerics apparently shares the same convictions.  After asserting that “revolutionary Islam is the same as pure Muhammadan Islam,” Ayatollah Tabatabaeinejad recently declared: Some say our Islam is not revolutionary Islam, but we must say to them that non-revolutionary Islam is the same as American Islam. Islam commands us to be firm against the enemies and be kind and compassionate toward each other and not be afraid of anything….

1568Source: Raymond Ibrahim: “Radical” vs. “Moderate” Islam: A Muslim View

The Police State and Moral Relativism

low-hum5An insidious police state is stealing over America today. We as a country have become like a freezing man slipping off to sleep in a blizzard, incapable of recognizing the demise of the liberty and honor on which we were formed. Our liberal-neocon intelligentsia are responsible for this. Their perfidy is comprised of five elements:

Source: The Police State and Moral Relativism – Americans for a Free Republic

Congress Remains Silent As UN Demands U.S. Taxpayer Money And Open Borders For Muslim Refugees 

The muslim brotherhood has engineered its way into the UN. Another reason to get the UN out of the United States. This organization, influenced by those that wish to dominate world, needs to be destroyed.  They have no right to dictate to us.


Rampant immigration is the tool to break down traditional societies and cultures, to make way for the full implementation of Sustainable Development (aka Technocracy). The UN believes that the only path to Sustainable Development is through an ‘inclusive’, multicultural society. Europe is already learning painful lessons from these policies as their societies disintegrate right before their eyes. If Americans saw immigration policies for what they are, they would cause another revolution to stop it.

Source: Congress Remains Silent As UN Demands U.S. Taxpayer Money And Open Borders For Muslim Refugees – Technocracy News

Armed Protesters Say Veterans Before Refugees at Texas Mosque Protest

This is the way to resist the blasphemy that is occurring in OUR COUNTRY. Veterans are waiting for housing and medical support while we bring so called refugees into the country??


A small group of armed protesters peacefully demonstrated outside of the Islamic Center of Irving, Texas, on Sat., Feb. 20, contending the welfare and well-being of U.S. military veterans should come before the relocation of Syrian refugees into Texas communities.

Source: Armed Protesters Say Veterans Before Refugees at Texas Mosque Protest