“Radical” vs. “Moderate” Islam: A Muslim View

This is a common mistake that Westerners and non-muslims make. They, the West, believe that there is some way of co-existence with islam. The mere fact that islam means submit should say it all. If you are honest with yourself and others that you talk with, you can see the countries that are islamic are just that, islamic. The ideology is complete submission to the so called sharia law that determines all you can or can not do. Does that sound compatible to you? The following piece is a must read for those that believe there is a radical vs non-radical islam.

One of Iran’s highest clerics apparently shares the same convictions.  After asserting that “revolutionary Islam is the same as pure Muhammadan Islam,” Ayatollah Tabatabaeinejad recently declared: Some say our Islam is not revolutionary Islam, but we must say to them that non-revolutionary Islam is the same as American Islam. Islam commands us to be firm against the enemies and be kind and compassionate toward each other and not be afraid of anything….

1568Source: Raymond Ibrahim: “Radical” vs. “Moderate” Islam: A Muslim View