Tag Archives: presstitute

How Our Country Was Stolen

We have reported here many times that the progressive movement in OUR Country has been diligently destroying the vestiges of our forefathers.  The attacks on The Constitution, the pushing of Open Borders, the influx of so called Refugees and the engineering of our schools. So here you have it, a social media icon that is deciding what holidays are to be included on its calendar. You may ask why that is important, well let Paul Craig Roberts say it best.

How Our Country Was Stolen

Source: How Our Country Was Stolen – PaulCraigRoberts.org

Booker: Mentally Fit for Office? 

Truth is, Mr. Booker is so full of himself that he believes that what Senator Durbin thinks he heard is what was said. We have multiple Congressmen and women whom have described nothing like what Mr. Durbin is contesting. Perhaps, but not likely, Mr. Trump leaned over to Mr. Durbin and said something, and that Mr. Durbin interrupted that to be what Mr. Durbin actually thinks?? You decide. The insanity behind the word games is somewhat over the top and allows the administration to function at will.  Let the Democrats continue to obstruct and burn out.

Perhaps Mr. Booker should consider resigning? He is showing signs of rage and sexism. Anyone going to complain….

Source: Political Editors: Booker: Mentally Fit for Office? — The Patriot Post

Lawyer For IT Aide Says Dem Congressmen To Blame For Falsified Spending Records 

Here we go. The “kettle calling the pot black”, no pun intended, just the fact that these so called contractor’s are blaming their bosses. Just because the status quo is “to falsify”, doesn’t make it correct to do so. Perhaps these politicos should examine their “Oath” to the people. Instead of protecting the peoples’ tax dollars they resort to finding ways around the regulations, to spend at will. We won’t even get into the fact that we had foreign nationals in charge of our secure communications.  I say bury them all.

Time for the blood, sweat and tears of Patriots “to water the tree of liberty!”

‘You do what you’re ordered to do’

Source: Lawyer For IT Aide Says Dem Congressmen To Blame For Falsified Spending Records Via @dailycaller

The Colin Kaepernick Caper: Undermining America

Thanks to my friend Frosty for his words of wisdom on this tragedy, “The Kaepernick Caper”. Here is a guy, as you know, multimillionaire ball player, whom decides to bring “his brand” of politics into the sports arena. If this were Roman times, the lions would have been sent in. Here in America, you have a right to protest and protest he has.

Unfortunately for him, he disgraces the very freedom to protest by disparaging our symbols of freedom, by kneeling during the National Anthem.

As Frosty so succinctly puts, he ought protest his cause by doing so on interviews on his time.


In my opinion, when you are in uniform, you represent the team, not your individual views.

At no time should any American citizen with all the gripes in the world, dishonor the American flag.   That one symbol allows free speech not enjoyed in all of Africa, China, North Korea and dozens of totalitarian countries worldwide.

Source: News With Views | The Colin Kaepernick Caper: Undermining America

Why States Can’t Prevent a Runaway Convention

Again my friend Publius nails the very reason why this Article V is so dangerous to our Republic. We must be forever diligent if we are to keep our freedoms. The politicos do not follow the Constitution now, what makes the Article V’ers believe they will later. The way to return OUR Government, is to participate. We have, for far too long, been bystanders. The time is NOW to take action. Join County Committees, get neighbors and friends to join and strengthen the voice of liberty.  Elect only those willing to follow the Constitution to a “T”.

By Publius Huldah The danger of an Article V convention (which made James Madison “tremble”, caused Alexander Hamilton “dread”, and Chief Justice John Jay to say that another convention would impos…

Source: Why States Can’t Prevent a Runaway Convention

First Look: Pamela Geller Bus Ads for ‘Can’t We Talk About This? The Islamic Jihad Against Free Speech’ (Exclusive)

As I commented on the original post…

“Indeed, this film and its premise must be seen by all those in denial about this “so-called religion”. Especially those appeasers in the West, even those like McMaster in the Whitehouse, have to be awakened to the “REAL” threat of this ideaology. Keep up the great job that you do!”

We must be sure to seek this film and hear its message. Free speech is our most valued God given right. If we allow our politicos to chip away at our bill of rights, we will soon see ourselves ruled by the likes of Shariah and evil idealogies like Islam.

Breitbart, by Pamela Geller, Sept. 5, 2017: Thanks to a Muslim hate group, my organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), can run our pro-freedom ads again in New York City. AFDI …

Source: First Look: Pamela Geller Bus Ads for ‘Can’t We Talk About This? The Islamic Jihad Against Free Speech’ (Exclusive)

Recognizing the Real and Present Enemy: Radical Islam, Not Russia

As the West continues to consider the Russian threat, another very real threat is continuing to gain strength. The Muslim Brotherhood and the hijra of the West. For those unfamiliar, hijra, is the Muslim conquest through migration. As we continue to be distracted by a left leaning media, that’s only objective is the destruction of President Trump, the Islamic threat grows bigger and bigger. Growing unchecked by the continuing resettlement of those that hate America and the appeasing of Islam.

  • In the military and strategic sense of the word, an “enemy” is an entity that truly threatens our short- and long-term survival and vital interests — not one that simply does not share our concept of democracy and human rights.
  • Another dangerous geopolitical mistake made by Western societies is viewing only Islamic terrorist groups as enemies and targeting them in a vacuum. Equally, if not more, important to combat are those Islamist movements that condemn terrorism but spread their ideology “peacefully” in our countries.
  • Before launching military campaigns on behalf of human rights, we in the West should first invest in strengthening our values at home, and encourage our Muslim minorities to adopt those values, rather than let them fall into the hands of radical Islamist organizations. The West must stop demonizing its own Judeo-Christian-European identity and rid itself of multiculturalist extremism.

Source: Recognizing the Real and Present Enemy: Radical Islam, Not Russia

Clinton Donors Have Picked Their 2020 Democratic Presidential Nominee

We recently have been led to believe that this man, Abdul El-Sayed is being groomed to be the next Muslim president. The Soros connection to both these candidates makes it very clear that once again the progressive movement is utilizing its strategy of grooming potential so called “New Americans”.  We must be aware that the money runs deep and the corruption even deeper.  Could it be a Clinton vs Soros standoff or an allegiance of corruption?

Donors are lining up and rallying behind Sen. Kamala Harris.

Source: Clinton Donors Have Picked Their 2020 Democratic Presidential Nominee

There Is No Defense for Linda Sarsour

I hope that we Americans can see that the true nature of Islam is just what this evil women says it is. Any American born Muslim whom buys into to this needs to be checked for sanity. We must be wary of this underlying culture of “F” America.  If we let our guard down, we will soon be like England, Sweden, France and Germany.  Awaken to the fact that Islam is incompatible with freedom.  The very word, Islam means “submit”.  So please do not buy into this “personal jihad” and know that the only way to stop the caliphate is to crush it.

She told her audience that the current administration was comprised of white racists who are oppressing the Muslim community. She also trashed the idea of assimilation into American society and stated that her allegiance is to the Muslim community (as opposed to the country). Perhaps worst of all, she invoked that dreaded word, “jihad” as she called for a jihad against the Trump administration.

Linda Sarour called for ‘Jihad’ on President Trump.

Source: There Is No Defense for Linda Sarsour – Eagle Rising

Conservative Activists Target Maddow Advertisers 

The interesting side of this, is that the advertisers actually got the message. When was the last time that has occurred? The prime example was the backlash against USAA, unfortunately the victory is not a sweet one.  USAA also returned to the non-conservative outlets.

Fight fire with fire

Source: Conservative Activists Target Maddow Advertisers Via @dailycaller