Recognizing the Real and Present Enemy: Radical Islam, Not Russia

As the West continues to consider the Russian threat, another very real threat is continuing to gain strength. The Muslim Brotherhood and the hijra of the West. For those unfamiliar, hijra, is the Muslim conquest through migration. As we continue to be distracted by a left leaning media, that’s only objective is the destruction of President Trump, the Islamic threat grows bigger and bigger. Growing unchecked by the continuing resettlement of those that hate America and the appeasing of Islam.

  • In the military and strategic sense of the word, an “enemy” is an entity that truly threatens our short- and long-term survival and vital interests — not one that simply does not share our concept of democracy and human rights.
  • Another dangerous geopolitical mistake made by Western societies is viewing only Islamic terrorist groups as enemies and targeting them in a vacuum. Equally, if not more, important to combat are those Islamist movements that condemn terrorism but spread their ideology “peacefully” in our countries.
  • Before launching military campaigns on behalf of human rights, we in the West should first invest in strengthening our values at home, and encourage our Muslim minorities to adopt those values, rather than let them fall into the hands of radical Islamist organizations. The West must stop demonizing its own Judeo-Christian-European identity and rid itself of multiculturalist extremism.

Source: Recognizing the Real and Present Enemy: Radical Islam, Not Russia