Tag Archives: Social Justice

Antifa Behind Several Assaults at Patriot Prayer Rally in Portland

This is OUR AMERICA and these vermin are trying to destroy the Republic.  We Americans had better be ready as these attacks are becoming more and more violent. When you exercise your 1st Amendment Right, these thugs try and shut you down.  Notice how they are dressed and armed the same way, similar to the brown shirted youth of Germany.  Get a load of the hammer sickle on the helmet.  Guess Russia is backing these kooks.

The counter-protest was organized by “a coalition of labor unions, immigrant rights groups and artists.”

Source: Antifa Behind Several Assaults at Patriot Prayer Rally in Portland

How Our Country Was Stolen

We have reported here many times that the progressive movement in OUR Country has been diligently destroying the vestiges of our forefathers.  The attacks on The Constitution, the pushing of Open Borders, the influx of so called Refugees and the engineering of our schools. So here you have it, a social media icon that is deciding what holidays are to be included on its calendar. You may ask why that is important, well let Paul Craig Roberts say it best.

How Our Country Was Stolen

Source: How Our Country Was Stolen – PaulCraigRoberts.org

What I Learned in the Peace Corps in Africa: Trump Is Right

If ever there was a reason to decide whom you bring to OUR Country, this is a prime example. The men and women of most, not all, the African nations have no idea of Western values or OUR Culture. Especially if they have nothing to value but the teachings of Muhammad.  Why would we force our lifestyle on them and expect them to respond to it? They will continue to do what they know and even teach their children the same.

Non-Westerners do not magically become American by arriving on our shores with a visa.

Source: What I Learned in the Peace Corps in Africa: Trump Is Right

Should computer support firms get warrants to fix your hard drive?

This stinks to high heaven. See something, say something, but is it really legal? Especially when we read they have special scanning software provided by the agency? This appears to be a 4th amendment issue. Do the agencies have Cart Blanche? What if it was terrorist activity or bomb making diagrams? Does that make us guilty because it is on our hard-drive? I think not! Source: Should computer support firms get warrants to fix your hard drive? « Hot Air

What life will be like in Hillary Clinton’s America

If I have learned anything at all in my lifetime, it is to look at what they do and not what they say they will do. Specifically, we see the Clinton Foundation, that feeds the Clinton Dynasty, ruthlessly dealing with lives of people with no concern. We hear Clinton espousing that we are deplorable when in fact the sociopaths behavior is far more deplorable.

Even while vowing in stump speeches to fight for “all Americans,” the lying Wicked Witch from Chappaqua turns around and tells us in word and deed that the only Americans she cares about are those elites who will fawn over her or can write big checks to her campaign fund or her money laundering operation – the Clinton Foundation.

Source: What life will be like in Hillary Clinton’s America – Personal Liberty®

The Main Stream Media and President Obama Strike Again: Alton Sterling and the Baton Rouge Unrest

Perhaps you wish to believe the spin from the media that police officers are killers and against the non-white people. I suggest that you get the facts before you decide that the police are that way. First and foremost, with the availability of the internet, postings go viral and people react. Unfortunately those reactions are one-sided. As you can see from the following article this shooting in Baton Rouge, which led to other law enforcement officers (LEOs) being assassinated, could have been avoided. So before you jump on the “Black Lives Matter” bandwagon, realize that the movement has been hijacked by those that wish to subvert OUR Government.

Oath Keepers

Source: NavyJack – The Main Stream Media and President Obama Strike Again: Alton Sterling and the Baton Rouge Unrest | Oath Keepers

Somali Charged in Terrorism Ring Worked at Major U.S. Airport 

Do you still need to know why we shouldn’t be accepting refugees that are muslim believers? Sorry guys, but this report from my friends at Judicial Watch, documents the young Somalis that are radicalized in their local mosque. Another reason to allow our agencies freedom to monitor mosques.  These are refugees were cleared by Our State Department and settled in Minnesota.  I guess we don’t have to worry about the Syrians, as they too will be vetted.



In the latest disturbing example of the government’s failure to root out foreign Islamic terrorists a young Somali man, who bragged about building rockets that could strike landing planes, worked at a major U.S. airport as a baggage handler. This month the Somali, 20-year-old Abdirizak Mohamed Warsame, was charged with conspiracy to help the IslamicRead the full post

Source: Somali Charged in Terrorism Ring Worked at Major U.S. Airport – Judicial Watch

Loretta Lynch’s Pro-Muslim Rhetoric Stems from Her Own Ties to a Pro-Terrorist Group 

Just like we know Obama by his upbringing and influences, we come to know Lynch. This women has always been anti-white and a militant black. Where is the mainstream media journalists?  Asleep at the wheel as usual.  This is a real investigation into the background by our side.  How is it that these folks get into these positions? We allow them and help them by our so-called affirmative action programs and reparation like grants. So now we reap what we have allowed to be sown. White america, especially, had better awaken. We are systematically being pushed to the back of the bus.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch recently said that the Department of (IN)Justice would stand with Muslims in the wake of the San Bernardino jihad attacks and stated unequivocally, “When we talk about the First Amendment we [must] make it clear that actions predicated on violent talk are not American. They are not who we are, they […]

Source: Loretta Lynch’s Pro-Muslim Rhetoric Stems from Her Own Ties to a Pro-Terrorist Group – Freedom Outpost

Flooding the Nation with ‘Syrian Refugees’: American Lives Matter

That right, American Lives Matter. Coming to OUR Neighborhood SOON! Why in the world, with unemployment, poverty and affordable housing for Americans already at the forefront would we even consider these refugees? MONEY, MONEY, MONEY! Our MONEY used to fund these agencies that are most likely kicking back in the form of political donations. Go Figure!

American Lives Matter — AWAKEN AMERICA!

Source: Articles: Flooding the Nation with ‘Syrian Refugees’: American Lives Matter

City Council Bars Chick-fil-A from Denver Airport Due to Chain’s Christian Values 

Whenever we create a protected class and they become empowered it becomes a personal agenda to see to it that the rest of the people adhere to their beliefs. We, the non-protected, become emblazoned with calls of bigotry and hatism, racism, whatever the term of the day seems to be. When one defends an opposing belief, the result is always negative for the non-protected.  When are we to become protected with equal rights under God?  God given rights, not governmentally created for the so-called protected!

Several city council members reportedly view a potential seven-year concessions deal with Chick-fil-A as a moral issue.

Source: City Council Bars Chick-fil-A from Denver Airport Due to Chain’s Christian Values | MRCTV