Category Archives: Racial Division

AOC Blamed Trump for Assaults on Elderly Asians; The Attacker was Muslim

Here we go again. If anybody gets attacked or robbed or threatened, it is a white Trump supporter. No matter the facts, its all about the soundbite that gets the press attention. And when you are on the left, the press runs with it with no reconciliation of the facts surrounding the incident.

AOC Blamed Trump for Assaults on Elderly Asians; The Attacker was Muslim

How to Survive the Civil Unrest That’s Coming to America 

We all want to believe that this can not happen here on OUR STREETS. Guess what?? It is happening already. Our elected officials and their staff are verbally attacks by mobs of lefties that do not agree with their politics. Our police officers are attacked randomly and almost daily. The lefties, fueled by the SPLC and ANTIFA take to streets to burn and destroy. Remember this after the inauguration? or this in Berkeley?

If we do not have a plan we are doomed to be destroyed.

It is only a matter of time before civil unrest begins to escalate and spread throughout the country. Many people are wondering, how do you keep your family safe during widespread unrest? It’s not about being fearful. It’s about being prepared.

Source: How to Survive the Civil Unrest That’s Coming to America | The Sleuth Journal

The Main Stream Media and President Obama Strike Again: Alton Sterling and the Baton Rouge Unrest

Perhaps you wish to believe the spin from the media that police officers are killers and against the non-white people. I suggest that you get the facts before you decide that the police are that way. First and foremost, with the availability of the internet, postings go viral and people react. Unfortunately those reactions are one-sided. As you can see from the following article this shooting in Baton Rouge, which led to other law enforcement officers (LEOs) being assassinated, could have been avoided. So before you jump on the “Black Lives Matter” bandwagon, realize that the movement has been hijacked by those that wish to subvert OUR Government.

Oath Keepers

Source: NavyJack – The Main Stream Media and President Obama Strike Again: Alton Sterling and the Baton Rouge Unrest | Oath Keepers

Is your church abetting sanctuary nation?

Just like the Refugee Resettlement Program that are church sponsored, we have these same bleeding hearts shielding the illegal. Whether you consider them “foreign invaders”, that is Federal Code for anyone crossing into our country unannounced, or illegal aliens, they have broken the law and must be deported.


The unholy alliance between church leaders and the open-borders lobby extends from the Vatican to leftists like Jim Wallis and George Soros and interfaith committees employing Saul Alinsky’s organizing tactics.

Source: Is your church abetting sanctuary nation?

‘Ferguson Effect’: America’s New Crime Wave Is All Part of the Plan

For those of us that have awakened, the following piece hits the nail on the head. We have heard of the Fabian Society and the Cloward-Piven Strategy and now we are seeing it played out across America. We ask ourselves is this really happening?  Well wake up and smell the coffee, cause it IS HAPPENING!  The government elites are continuing to launch their progressive attacks on OUR FREEDOMS.


The Wall Street Journal is calling the dramatic end of America’s two-decade-long drop in crime “The Ferguson Effect.” Led behind the scenes by President Obama, America’s fraudulent civil rights leaders (Al Sharpton) and the mainstream media (especially CNN), worked together — starting with their lies in Ferguson — to launch hate campaigns against the police.

Source: ‘Ferguson Effect’: America’s New Crime Wave Is All Part of the Plan – Breitbart

Congressman Gowdy Grills John Kerry Over Stealth Muslim Refugee Program

We have been blogging about this issue for some time. Now we finally have a Congressman whose district will be affected. Suddenly the curtain is pulled back and lo, it is a administration strategy to throw our country into disarray.  What better way to disrupt and fundamentally change America.


The Obama Administration is using a stealth refugee program to import thousands of Muslims into communities throughout the United States. This effort to bring Muslims into the U.S. poses a grave national security threat to America and inevitably brings social chaos in its wake in communities where there are large populations of Muslims

Source: Congressman Gowdy Grills John Kerry Over Stealth Muslim Refugee Program

Three Shot at Delaware State: One of These Things Is Not Like the Others | The Common Constitutionalist

We, those of us awakened, already know that this kind of reporting exists. Here is a blatant example, no holds barred, review of the very media bias that exists when it comes to anything with race or civil rights.  If the story is anti-civil rights the media falls all over itself to show the mean whitey or police. When the story is involves a black shooter or perb, it is likely left out.

Three Shot at Delaware State: One of These Things Is Not Like the Others | The Common Constitutionalist – Let The Truth Be Known.

Police Make Heartbreaking Discovery Next To White Man Gunned Down By Black Teens

Here we have three young negro boys, young men, who decide they are bored playing basketball.  Well what do you know, let’s take our piece and rob somebody.  Oh no, not the one with the big dog but the one whom is easier.  What happened to just robbing?  They shoot, multiple times and kill an unarmed white man walking his dog.

Police Make Heartbreaking Discovery Next To White Man Gunned Down By Black Teens – Tom OHalloran.

Christian Man Asks Thirteen Gay Bakeries To Bake Him Pro-Traditional Marriage Cake, And Is Denied Service By All Of Them (WATCH THE SHOCKING VIDEO)

The double standard rears its ugly head again.  Not only the below story but as a followup to a recent posting, that the “you’re not allowed to follow your faith crowd” are out in alarming numbers.  Whatever happened to transacting your business with whomever you wish?  What about living where you want to live?  What about working where you want to work?  In effect these so-called “Civil Rights” laws are becoming sharia for the so-called non-compliant.  As evidenced by the below dissertation, this coin has only on side.

Christian Man Asks Thirteen Gay Bakeries To Bake Him Pro-Traditional Marriage Cake, And Is Denied Service By All Of Them (WATCH THE SHOCKING VIDEO) – Walid Shoebat.