Category Archives: Illegal Immigration

The Military Can Secure the Border and Build the Wall

Article 4, Section 4 of the United State Constitution grants the President ALL he needs to Defend OUR Republic.

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

Why President Trump is right to call out the troops.

Source: The Military Can Secure the Border and Build the Wall

Goodlatte’s Immigration Bill – A Worthy Compromise 

I favor having our elected rectify this situation and this seems to be one of the best I have seen. It appears that we will have to deal with an “amnesty”, but that isn’t too bad as long as they stick to the “no visa lottery and chain migration”. We also want border security.

We are not Europe and we should be able to decide, once again, whom we allow to migrate to America.

Source: Goodlatte’s Immigration Bill – A Worthy Compromise | Center for Immigration Studies

What our immigration system really looks like

Those of us awakened to the threats to American Sovereignty have advocated for “Immigration Reform” and “Border Security” for far too long. It has now become even more obvious that these reforms are needed. One look at following presentation will jar you to reality. (for those not awakened).

Staggering statistics brought to you by the Obama administration.

Source: What our immigration system really looks like

Feds bust Hezbollah sleeper cell charged with plotting NYC attack

If we Americans need more reasons to “STOP the REFUGEES” and ban travel from countries that sponsor terror, then here it is. These vermin travel freely to and from these terror training camps and we wonder how they are able to plot against us?? How they can pull this off?? Our “OPEN BORDER POLICY” comes to mind. When is enough enough?? I say it is NOW! DO NOT DELAY. Pressure your legislators to take action and save our way of life.

Iran-backed terror agents taken down by FBI and NYPD.

Source: Feds bust Hezbollah sleeper cell charged with plotting NYC attack

The real reasons why Trump has flipped on his campaign promises

His campaign to drain the swamp has fallen to the wayside.  The progressives are still in control and we are falling further into debt. We have to plummet him with reminders that “We the People” demand he honor his pledges.  As I posted in the past, Trump Administration turning out to be the Goldman Sachs Administration, the Goldman influence is driving the administration. While he has done some good, he is still bringing in refugees, hasn’t built the wall, allowed the Generals to bomb Syria (a false flag), we still have obamacare and now we are about to have $1 trillion in spending, short term at that.  Yes, $1 trillion, with a “T”.

WAKE this guy up.

Demand that he return the budget bill

Stop refugees

Stand tall for the wall

Trump, at the very onset of his administration, broke one of his most important campaign promises — to “drain the swamp.” Instead, he filled his cabinet with all of the same swamp creatures he originally attacked; the same swamp creatures Hillary Clinton was notorious for serving.

Source: The real reasons why Trump has flipped on his campaign promises – Personal Liberty®

What life will be like in Hillary Clinton’s America

If I have learned anything at all in my lifetime, it is to look at what they do and not what they say they will do. Specifically, we see the Clinton Foundation, that feeds the Clinton Dynasty, ruthlessly dealing with lives of people with no concern. We hear Clinton espousing that we are deplorable when in fact the sociopaths behavior is far more deplorable.

Even while vowing in stump speeches to fight for “all Americans,” the lying Wicked Witch from Chappaqua turns around and tells us in word and deed that the only Americans she cares about are those elites who will fawn over her or can write big checks to her campaign fund or her money laundering operation – the Clinton Foundation.

Source: What life will be like in Hillary Clinton’s America – Personal Liberty®

George Soros using his billions to fund #BlackLivesMatter and the immigration push

From my friend at Personal Liberty comes this piece that displays the disdain for our freedom. These globalists have got to be shown that “We the People” will not and are not going to take the further degradation of OUR Country.

More than 2,500 documents and emails from Soros’ Open Society Foundation reveal that Soros funded #BlackLivesMatter to the tune of $650,000 in 2015, and is also behind the push to import more immigrants into the U.S. and is taking credit for moving the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill through the U.S. senate.

Source: George Soros using his billions to fund #BlackLivesMatter and the immigration push – Personal Liberty®

VIDEO: How do you tell when a civilization is dangerously close to collapse? 

CIVILIZATION IDENTITY will he increasingly important in the future, and the world will be shaped in large measure by the interactions among seven or eight

Source: VIDEO: How do you tell when a civilization is dangerously close to collapse? – Dr. Rich Swier

Sustainable Development, Migration And The Multi-Cultural Destruction Of The Nation State

Here is more evidence, presented by Patrick Woods due diligence, that proves the NWO is anti-Freedom and Liberty. We must get out of the UN and control our Borders and Culture.Migration-and-Nation-State

Sustainable Development, Migration And The Multi-Cultural Destruction Of The Nation State

SCOTUS Decision on Counting Illegals Highlights Betrayal of Government’s Purpose 

The important question for this Patriot is WHEN will our feckless Congress stand up and do their job. Why do we continue to allow the courts to determine our Government. Take action today!. Get involved locally; engage the politicos in your area and shake off the chains of the tyrannic ruling class.

This is our Government, For the People, By the People.

Do we just forget that some, now represented though apportionment deemed A-OK by SCOTUS, ignored U.S. laws to come here, and continue to ignore it by staying, many thumbing their noses, getting bolder and more aggressive in their demands? Is it really in the interests of ourselves and our Posterity to take in tens or hundreds of thousands and more “refugees” from populations harboring an existential threat, especially when government assurances of “rigorous security screenings” are demonstrably hollow and fraudulent?Do we just shut up about it and gradually die out, until such time as pretenses no longer need to be maintained?

Source: SCOTUS Decision on Counting Illegals Highlights Betrayal of Government’s Purpose | Oath Keepers