The real reasons why Trump has flipped on his campaign promises

His campaign to drain the swamp has fallen to the wayside.  The progressives are still in control and we are falling further into debt. We have to plummet him with reminders that “We the People” demand he honor his pledges.  As I posted in the past, Trump Administration turning out to be the Goldman Sachs Administration, the Goldman influence is driving the administration. While he has done some good, he is still bringing in refugees, hasn’t built the wall, allowed the Generals to bomb Syria (a false flag), we still have obamacare and now we are about to have $1 trillion in spending, short term at that.  Yes, $1 trillion, with a “T”.

WAKE this guy up.

Demand that he return the budget bill

Stop refugees

Stand tall for the wall

Trump, at the very onset of his administration, broke one of his most important campaign promises — to “drain the swamp.” Instead, he filled his cabinet with all of the same swamp creatures he originally attacked; the same swamp creatures Hillary Clinton was notorious for serving.

Source: The real reasons why Trump has flipped on his campaign promises – Personal Liberty®