Democratic legislation targets ammo purchasers

New Jersey was once the crossroads of our heritage, winning many battles to preserve our freedom and create our Republic. Now we are faced with the enemies from within, whom wish to stop the very Patriots that saved our freedom from defense of the same. The few madman that have wrecked havoc on our society is no reason for this treasonous assault on the ability of our Patriots to stay armed.  If we wish to purchase cases of ammunition it should be no concern of the over reaching government.  Again, OUR CONSTITUTION, sets the limits of this government and doesn’t give the empower the legislature to rule over us.

WAKE UP AMERICA!  Get out of the pot before it boils.

Democratic legislation in the House aims to ban online ammunition sales and require vendors to report face-to-face purchases of more than 1,000 rounds to the government.

Source: Democratic legislation targets ammo purchasers – Personal Liberty