Category Archives: silver

Silver: A Sure Thing?

Here is another wake up call to those whom are on the fence about precious metals, specifically $ilver and gold. Of course platinum and palladium are a play as well. A writer that I follow, Ted Butler has a long time understanding of precious metals market. His commentary is what I have quoted below.

Be sure to click the link below for the full story. Well worth it’s weight in $silver!!

The Code Red market emergency that I started writing about in July is very much in full force and about to make its presence felt.  The prospects of a price explosion are now better than ever, thanks to the unmistakable deepening physical shortage and the likely continued refusal of the 4 and 8 big shorts to add aggressively to short positions. That silver will explode in price in the not-too-distant future looks like a sure thing. Don’t let any last-minute price smashes scare you out of silver positions, as such rigged downdrafts would appear to be the tail-end of a 40-year epic silver price manipulation.

From Ted Butler

Efforts to Protect US Intensify Amid Global Shift From Dollar

Calls from Congress and state houses to the private sector for out-of-the-box thinking, such as repegging the currency to gold or declaring precious metals to be legal tender, are growing.


As reported many, many times, those of us whom have a sense of “real worth” are converting our fiat into “real money”. Whether you choose gold, silver, platinum, palladium, diamonds, ammo, whiskey or any other good that is easily traded or divisible, we are the ones whom have awakened to the fact that fiat always goes to zero.

The classic Money Changers

Why do 99.9% of investors not own gold? Due to my interest and activity, I clearly meet a higher percentage than the 0.1% who both understand and own gold. But I also meet a lot of people who have …


As The World Economy Is Burning Central Bankers Are Clueless

When the paper traders of precious metals realize there is no escape from the finite amount of gold and other metals available, the price will be the moon. The “World Banking Cartel” has to keep their money machines cranking out US Dollars in order to justify their house of cards.

See the lessons learned during the last few financial crisis and the Central Bank response. Also see the value of physical gold and $ilver vs the financial instruments they wish us to believe in. The final demise is approaching very quickly…

As The World Economy Is Burning Central Bankers Are CluelessBy Egon von Greyerz The more things change, the more they stay the same. The financial world loves focusing on some future event that the…

Source: As The World Economy Is Burning Central Bankers Are Clueless | GoldSwitzerland

If you own no gold, you may want to buy some

This year will probably be the last chance that you will be able to acquire gold at these prices. We may see gold fall back slightly and we may see gold spike upward with no look back. Those that have followed me know that I have said that before.  The metals have gone both up and down and I have continued to convert.  I have found over the years that converting Federal Reserve Notes to gold and $ilver monthly has benefited my concern for getting gold and $ilver at the top.  Do it soon or be forever without.

Remember, the amount of grams you hold is what is important.

Nichols, a senior economic advisor to precious metals asset firm Rosland Capital, is on board of the bull wagon — he expects the metal price to rise before Jan 1. 2017.

Source: If you own no gold, you may want to buy some — Jeffrey Nichols |

Glittering Choice Whether Interest Rates Go Up or Down 

If you recall anything about last year, when the Federal Reserve, no more Federal than “Federal Express”, raised the overnight rate, you must recall that both gold and $ilver rose in response.  Why might this be?  Well the continued low return on bonds and the concern for price and wage inflation might be or is one of the reasons.  As seen by this current report, the advent of higher gold price in the future is more likely than not.

Conclusion: Such times as these when central banks lose control over their money manipulations do not come often. But they have arrived. Involve yourself as you wish. You may strike gold.

Source: Gold: Glittering Choice Whether Interest Rates Go Up or Down | The Daily Bell

The US Economy Has Not Recovered and Will Not Recover 

Myself and many others have always said that when they took the factories and the jobs become service oriented, that we were screwed. Well here you have two top economists that agree.  Do you think that the banks can survive?  Do you think the government can survive all the welfare giveaways?

Read it and YOU DECIDE.

Worthless paper or physical Gold and $ilver?


The US Economy Has Not Recovered And Will Not Recover Paul Craig Roberts The US economy died when middle class jobs were offshored and wh

Source: The Us Economy Has Not Recovered and Will Not Recover –

Greeks embrace bartering to survive economic collapse — and soon, you will too

If ever there was a reason to own “Junk Silver”, silver half dollars, quarters and dimes, that time is now. The premium on the so-called “Junk” is five dollars over spot today.  Moving forward, the premium may come down but as more and more people realize the value of the barter system, the scenario is most likely higher.  Imagine for a moment.  Currently two silver dimes will get you a gallon of gas or a loaf of bread.  Moving forward in the inflationary times to come, those same dimes will get you a gallon of gas or a loaf bread.  Just as an ounce of gold gets you a fine suit, leathers shoes and belt today as it it did in ancient times.

It is never too late to acquire some barter material.  As you whom know me, whiskey, ammo and silver and gold.

In Greece, bartering for goods and services is experiencing a renaissance as the nation endures its economic meltdown. Americans ought to take note.

Source: Greeks embrace bartering to survive economic collapse — and soon, you will too