Silver: A Sure Thing?

Here is another wake up call to those whom are on the fence about precious metals, specifically $ilver and gold. Of course platinum and palladium are a play as well. A writer that I follow, Ted Butler has a long time understanding of precious metals market. His commentary is what I have quoted below.

Be sure to click the link below for the full story. Well worth it’s weight in $silver!!

The Code Red market emergency that I started writing about in July is very much in full force and about to make its presence felt.  The prospects of a price explosion are now better than ever, thanks to the unmistakable deepening physical shortage and the likely continued refusal of the 4 and 8 big shorts to add aggressively to short positions. That silver will explode in price in the not-too-distant future looks like a sure thing. Don’t let any last-minute price smashes scare you out of silver positions, as such rigged downdrafts would appear to be the tail-end of a 40-year epic silver price manipulation.

From Ted Butler