Tag Archives: Tryanny

Constitutional Q&A: The Legality of Stop and ID Procedures

For those of us awakened to the limits of the government, ie. The Constitution, this is an assault on OUR GOD GIVEN RIGHTS. Where and when did we consent to our rights being abridged? I can find no document that I have ever agreed too that gives up my 4th Amendment right to privacy in ALL my affairs. Our politicos have morphed into big government agents that want to control every move we make. While an ID Card sounds like a great idea to stop the hiring of illegal aliens, it also screams of violation of the 4th amendment.

Here is a great piece that addresses our rights and responsibility when subjected to forced identification by our so-called government officials. Also a booklet that can be downloaded.

Source: The Rutherford Institute :: Constitutional Q&A: The Legality of Stop and ID Procedures

Booker: Mentally Fit for Office? 

Truth is, Mr. Booker is so full of himself that he believes that what Senator Durbin thinks he heard is what was said. We have multiple Congressmen and women whom have described nothing like what Mr. Durbin is contesting. Perhaps, but not likely, Mr. Trump leaned over to Mr. Durbin and said something, and that Mr. Durbin interrupted that to be what Mr. Durbin actually thinks?? You decide. The insanity behind the word games is somewhat over the top and allows the administration to function at will.  Let the Democrats continue to obstruct and burn out.

Perhaps Mr. Booker should consider resigning? He is showing signs of rage and sexism. Anyone going to complain….

Source: Political Editors: Booker: Mentally Fit for Office? — The Patriot Post

What our immigration system really looks like

Those of us awakened to the threats to American Sovereignty have advocated for “Immigration Reform” and “Border Security” for far too long. It has now become even more obvious that these reforms are needed. One look at following presentation will jar you to reality. (for those not awakened).

Staggering statistics brought to you by the Obama administration.

Source: What our immigration system really looks like

This founding father will renew your hope for liberty 

This gentleman of the early days of the Republic is a great example of how we should be today. His resolve to live free and without fear of tyranny allowed him to write and say those things that need to be still said today.  As some of us sit behind our computers and expouse that, that we wish to resolve, this gentleman and those of the time “took action”.

The same action we are called too TODAY!

When John Dickinson died, both houses of Congress wore black armbands in mourning. Why? Because Dickinson recognized that the essential purpose of government was to maintain liberty against others’ predatory acts and that without liberty, “loss of happiness then follows as a matter of course,” helping motivate our founders to create a government whose basis in liberty would make them “protectors of unborn ages, whose fate depends upon your virtue.”

John Dickinson was among America’s most important founders. He was a colonial legislator, member of the Stamp Act, Continental, and Confederation Congresses, chief executive of both Delaware and Pennsylvania, and president of the 1786 Annapolis convention that led to the Constitutional Convention.,

Source: This founding father will renew your hope for liberty – Personal Liberty®

The Lost Opportunity For Regime Change In Iran: An Admiral’s Lament

We had the pleasure of hearing Admiral James “Ace” Lyons as our keynote speaker at the Beirut Remembrance. He hit the ball out of the park. We learned how certain elements within our government subverted the chance to depose the radical Islamist regime. This is a great understanding of that what we see is not what we see.

Adm. (Ret.) James “Ace” Lyons recalls the military plan that could have changed the course of history — and who sabotaged it.

Source: The Lost Opportunity For Regime Change In Iran: An Admiral’s Lament

Minnesota: Rioters sentenced for attacks on “March Against Sharia” protesters

These groups like Antifa have aligned themselves with the likes of ISIS and even Hamas. They believe that the Muslim Brotherhood will assist them in their struggle to overthrow OUR Government. You know, the Fascist United States of America. The Country that tolerates such behavior. The Country that supports your right to protest. When does protesting go to far? When it gets physical. These leftistas are empowered by the Soros aligned Open Society and the crowd mentality. When we see this alignment with Radical Islam the Open Society globalists are revealed.  Notice how they get slapped on the wrist for their violent actions and the anti-Sharia group is tagged as extremist.


The brawling began at the “March Against Sharia” when a counterdemonstrator took a flying leap and delivered a kick to an anti-Sharia protester’s chest.

Source: Minnesota: Rioters sentenced for attacks on “March Against Sharia” protesters

Bannon’s war on the corrupt Senate made necessary by the 17th Amendment 

The ever dogged 17th Amendment is obviously a coup by those progressives that wish to destroy the limited power of OUR Constitution. When the states lost their power over their senators, power replaced by lobbyist, they became wards of the US Government. Relying on the money that flowed back to the states instead of having control over the process.

Bannon’s war on the corrupt Senate made necessary by the 17th Amendment by Bob Livingston Breitbart head and former President Donald Trump strategist Steve Bannon has engaged in a full-scale effort to take out Senate Republicans facing election this year in a bid to purge the fossilized do-nothing obstructionists he believes are standing in Trump’s path.Bannon’s main target is Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. But McConnell is not on

Source: Bannon’s war on the corrupt Senate made necessary by the 17th Amendment – The Bob Livingston Letter

The Colin Kaepernick Caper: Undermining America

Thanks to my friend Frosty for his words of wisdom on this tragedy, “The Kaepernick Caper”. Here is a guy, as you know, multimillionaire ball player, whom decides to bring “his brand” of politics into the sports arena. If this were Roman times, the lions would have been sent in. Here in America, you have a right to protest and protest he has.

Unfortunately for him, he disgraces the very freedom to protest by disparaging our symbols of freedom, by kneeling during the National Anthem.

As Frosty so succinctly puts, he ought protest his cause by doing so on interviews on his time.


In my opinion, when you are in uniform, you represent the team, not your individual views.

At no time should any American citizen with all the gripes in the world, dishonor the American flag.   That one symbol allows free speech not enjoyed in all of Africa, China, North Korea and dozens of totalitarian countries worldwide.

Source: News With Views | The Colin Kaepernick Caper: Undermining America