Category Archives: Political Action

This Trump/Paul healthcare proposal looks a lot better than anything we’ve seen so far 

Really glad to hear this news. Let’s help promote this change to the existing law that doesn’t allow the people to shop for healthcare.

The GOP establishment in Congress has made it abundantly clear that Republican lawmakers are never going to repeal or rework Obamacare in any meaningful way. President Donald Trump is reportedly thinking about taking Obamacare revision efforts into his own hands, starting with a change conservative Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has long advocated. This is good news.

Source: This Trump/Paul healthcare proposal looks a lot better than anything we’ve seen so far – Personal Liberty®

Maine Upholds The US Constitution By Prohibiting Any State Gun Registry: Nullifies Over-Reach By Federal Government

Kudo’s to the Maine Legislature. About time that states used the 10th Amendment to hold off the tyranny of the US Government.

AUGUSTA, Maine (Sept. 25. 2017) – A law prohibiting any type of state firearms registry is now in effect in Maine. The law will not only protect the privacy of Maine gun owners, it will also hinder…

Source: Maine Upholds The US Constitution By Prohibiting Any State Gun Registry: Nullifies Over-Reach By Federal Government

First Look: Pamela Geller Bus Ads for ‘Can’t We Talk About This? The Islamic Jihad Against Free Speech’ (Exclusive)

As I commented on the original post…

“Indeed, this film and its premise must be seen by all those in denial about this “so-called religion”. Especially those appeasers in the West, even those like McMaster in the Whitehouse, have to be awakened to the “REAL” threat of this ideaology. Keep up the great job that you do!”

We must be sure to seek this film and hear its message. Free speech is our most valued God given right. If we allow our politicos to chip away at our bill of rights, we will soon see ourselves ruled by the likes of Shariah and evil idealogies like Islam.

Breitbart, by Pamela Geller, Sept. 5, 2017: Thanks to a Muslim hate group, my organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), can run our pro-freedom ads again in New York City. AFDI …

Source: First Look: Pamela Geller Bus Ads for ‘Can’t We Talk About This? The Islamic Jihad Against Free Speech’ (Exclusive)

H.R. McMaster is No James Mattoon Scott

As we have stated before, McMaster is an “Enemy of the People”. He is the “Swamp Master of Ceremonies”. Why President Trump keeps him around is beyond me. This globalist is in position to sink our Country even further down the NWO sinkhole.

H.R. McMaster is the exact opposite. His devotion is emphatically to the war party band of globalists who are dedicated to destroy the Republic and assimilate OUR country into a New World Order.One of the most self-evident admissions out of the Trump administration is that retired General H.R. McMaster is a devote globalist who has gathered the

Source: H.R. McMaster is No James Mattoon Scott | The Sleuth Journal

Switzerland: Imam charged with incitement to murder non-practicing Muslims

You have to love the Swiss.  They take no tolerance of cultures that violate their law.  They have no qualms about expelling and closing down organizations as well.  Even the landlord stood their ground and evicted these evil people.  No matter where these radical mosques happen there is always the connection to the Muslim Brotherhood and Saudi Arabia.

The An’Nur mosque in Winterthur that has long been suspected of having links to radical Islamic movements will finally cease to exist because the rental contract for the premises will not be renewed.

Source: Switzerland: Imam charged with incitement to murder non-practicing Muslims

Clinton Donors Have Picked Their 2020 Democratic Presidential Nominee

We recently have been led to believe that this man, Abdul El-Sayed is being groomed to be the next Muslim president. The Soros connection to both these candidates makes it very clear that once again the progressive movement is utilizing its strategy of grooming potential so called “New Americans”.  We must be aware that the money runs deep and the corruption even deeper.  Could it be a Clinton vs Soros standoff or an allegiance of corruption?

Donors are lining up and rallying behind Sen. Kamala Harris.

Source: Clinton Donors Have Picked Their 2020 Democratic Presidential Nominee

Conservative Activists Target Maddow Advertisers 

The interesting side of this, is that the advertisers actually got the message. When was the last time that has occurred? The prime example was the backlash against USAA, unfortunately the victory is not a sweet one.  USAA also returned to the non-conservative outlets.

Fight fire with fire

Source: Conservative Activists Target Maddow Advertisers Via @dailycaller

The Ugly Side Of Agenda 2030’s ‘Affordable Housing For All’

You are probably not aware of the local to NJ, Council on Affordable Housing (COAH). This agency is deciding how many of these high density housing units our towns are required to have.  Combined with the HUD money that is flowing, it is a dangerous combination.

What happened in Whitehall Township can happen in any community that has zoning laws and accepts federal money for fair housing or urban development. Even if AFFH is overturned, as the Whitehall case shows, the agency can claim discrimination for a host of reasons that may or may not be fair to communities. This is why communities must protect their local autonomy and their right to control zoning and land use.

Community members must stay informed and involved. Learn about HUD and how their grant requirements can alter your town, city, or county. Study the effects of regional sustainable development on local jurisdictional authority, on taxes, and on lifestyles. Then work with local officials to protect your neighborhoods for now and for future generations.

Technocracy is epitomized in the UN’s New Urban Agenda, which intends to transform the world’s cities into micro-managed hive populations of humans. It is the prime directive for “Smart Cities” that utilize advanced technology and planning.

Source: The Ugly Side Of Agenda 2030’s ‘Affordable Housing For All

Calling all conservatives: Run for office!

If you have ever considered the action to run for office, NOW is the time. It appears that the non-conservative party, the Democrats, are striking back against the ground swell of support that elected President Trump. If you are like me, the agenda of the Democrats is far too left for America.  Start today by joining with other Republicans in your local club and seeing if there is a need for candidates.  Believe me when I say it, there is a need.  Join with others on the political action network, Restore the USA.  Find your state and county and get busy.

As Thomas Jefferson stated, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

A liberal group is boasting that it has recruited more than 1,200 liberal millennials to run for office in various races around the nation since Donald Trump’s election.

Source: Calling all conservatives: Run for office! – Personal Liberty®

Trump Administration turning out to be the Goldman Sachs Administration

Yes, Donald Trump is my choice for President. The reason for the post is that no matter how patriotic, grassroots or “outsider” you are, your friends and associates will define you. This is the reason for our efforts to continue to watch ALL POLITICOS, yes, even our Brother Donald J. Trump.

Donald Trump’s promise to drain the swamp doesn’t extend to the bankster class. In fact, if anything, Trump is giving the banksters even more seats at the power table – especially Goldman Sachs.

Source: Trump Administration turning out to be the Goldman Sachs Administration – Personal Liberty®