Monthly Archives: December 2015

Spending Bill Betrayal by Establishment Republicans Confirms Contempt for Base

The great Professor Carroll Quigley sums this piece up.  His experience with the progressive movement as a whistle-blower that lived brings the picture into clarity.  His insight into the NWO by the old world English House of Rothschild shines the light of one-world rule.  That fact that we have lost control of OUR Government to the “K” Street firms is further evidence of the influence of money.


Oath Keepers

Source: Spending Bill Betrayal by Establishment Republicans Confirms Contempt for Base | Oath Keepers

Security concerns close county schools Friday

If ever there was a case for Creeping sharia, here it is. This story is from yesterday, Students Given Drawing Lesson. We do not know what actual threats the school board is reacting too, but to close down the school and all activities after consulting with the Sheriff, they must be credible.


Augusta County public schools have locked up for today and canceled all activities, including home and away events.

Source: Security concerns close county schools Friday

Students Were Given a Drawing Assignment for a Lesson on Islam. Then Parents Googled Its Meaning…

This is ripe with contempt. This so-called educator has passed through the paradigm and morphed into a muslim apologist. If they even brought the bible or other sacred books into the World Geography class there would be backlash beyond all means. Besides which, what does the caligraphy have to do with world religion?


“…the teacher pushed and pushed and pushed so I did it…”

Source: Students Were Given a Drawing Assignment for a Lesson on Islam. Then Parents Googled Its Meaning…

US Judge Shuns Bible – Swears in on Muhammad’s Terror Manual, the Quran

One has to wonder just what this judge is swearing to uphold. The book that she uses to hold her esteem is evil and ridden with injustice. What is wrong with the American people. In NY judges are elected by the people. Were they sleeping or is this just the result of apathy? Are the people of Brooklyn that naive to believe this women is about the Constitution? WAKE UP AMERICA. Wrestle back control of YOUR (OUR) Government. Did you actually “consent” to this?

Carolyn Walker-Diallo

Source: US Judge Shuns Bible – Swears in on Muhammad’s Terror Manual, the Quran – Freedom Outpost

Team led by Middle Eastern Woman Caught Surveilling U.S. Facility on Mexican Border 

The fact that they were caught so blatantly surveying the border operation leads me to suspect they were also gauging the response to such action.  What is further interesting is the amount of activity of middle eastern detainment’s that are being covered up.  Men with backpacks and cylinders that are absorbed into the DHS apparatus and then denial of their existence.  We need more Patriot eyes on the border and its surrounding communities.body


A Middle Eastern woman was caught surveilling a U.S. port of entry on the Mexican border holding a sketchbook with Arabic writing and drawings of the facility and its security system, federal law enforcement sources tell Judicial Watch. The woman has been identified as 23-year-old Leila Abdelrazaq, according to a Customs and Border Patrol (CPB)Read the full post

Source: Team led by Middle Eastern Woman Caught Surveilling U.S. Facility on Mexican Border – Judicial Watch

Destroy Islam or Islam will destroy US – Here is the Proof – Walid Shoebat

Soon we will be fighting these savages in our land. We must not allow this hijaj to continue as it will weaken our resolve. These savages are just that. They have no concern for others, only their evil muhammad.


Our contest is not only whether we ourselves shall be free, but whether there shall be left to mankind an asylum on earth for civil and religious liberty. Samuel Adams

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It appears the final count down is approaching. Islam is at war with the non Muslim World, the average American seems …

Source: Destroy Islam or Islam will destroy US – Here is the Proof – Walid Shoebat

Terrorism Policy for Patriots 

I have agreed with AFR and their director, Nelson Hultberg, many times and do now. The solutions stated here are ones that I speak about on many occasions. They need to be implemented and carried out by Patriots. A very “REAL” reason for us to step into the political fray. As I often state, “we fight the politicos in their arena or we fight their agents”, I prefer to fight the politicos until it is impossible to NOT have to fight their agents.cropped-cropped-donttreadonme.jpg

There are two primary sources of terrorism in America today. Number one: Islam, in its fundamentalist version, is a primitive religion of hostility and violence that’s goal is to conquer the world by holy war. Number two: the neoconservatives’ militaristic crusade since the first Gulf War to establish hegemony throughout the Mideast has created blowback.

Source: Terrorism Policy for Patriots – Americans for a Free Republic

Loretta Lynch’s Pro-Muslim Rhetoric Stems from Her Own Ties to a Pro-Terrorist Group 

Just like we know Obama by his upbringing and influences, we come to know Lynch. This women has always been anti-white and a militant black. Where is the mainstream media journalists?  Asleep at the wheel as usual.  This is a real investigation into the background by our side.  How is it that these folks get into these positions? We allow them and help them by our so-called affirmative action programs and reparation like grants. So now we reap what we have allowed to be sown. White america, especially, had better awaken. We are systematically being pushed to the back of the bus.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch recently said that the Department of (IN)Justice would stand with Muslims in the wake of the San Bernardino jihad attacks and stated unequivocally, “When we talk about the First Amendment we [must] make it clear that actions predicated on violent talk are not American. They are not who we are, they […]

Source: Loretta Lynch’s Pro-Muslim Rhetoric Stems from Her Own Ties to a Pro-Terrorist Group – Freedom Outpost

Giving Away Our Country: The Motive of Muslim Immigrants

As usual, Frosty Wooldridge doesn’t pull any punches in the piece about the need to awaken. We Americans have to stop kowtowing to every whim of this culture of death. That’s right, it is a culture of death. These people kill their own, mutilate their women and castigate those that refuse to adhere. Again, Frosty says it best …


Source: Frosty Wooldridge — Giving Away Our Country: The Motive of Muslim Immigrants

Medina—The First Muslim Refugee Resettlement Program

Jesuit Father Samir Khalil Samir

Jesuit Father Samir Khalil Samir

Would you say ISIS is in any way representative of true Islam?
We hear, very often, Muslims say: ‟This has nothing to do with Islam.” This is a spontaneous reaction of Muslims on the street. But, in fact, it’s a false reaction. This is a part of Islam, and we can find it in the Quran itself and much more in the life of Mohammed, who had a very strong and violent attitude toward unbelievers.  .. quote from Father Samir on ISIS

Here are some reasons for the West, especially the United States, to consider the choices that are being made. Are we allowing ourselves to become part of the worldwide caliphate?  Are we being duped by our political correctness into to submission?  I encourage you to consider the previous questions during this time of the Refugee Resettlement that is occurring.  These refugees are being supplanted out of their culture into our culture.  They are being expected to leave all that they have learned of the greatness of their culture and now become a part of our culture.  No matter whether they are for radical jihad or not, they are for jihad, as it is in their teaching.

Please remember that our forefathers pledged their life, their fortune and their sacred honor to protect the liberty that they achieved   Be sure you do the same.


With all the talk about the Syrian refugees, one point is often overlooked. Much of the debate focuses on the question of whether or not the refugees can be reliably vetted. If they can be certified as one hundred percent terrorist-free, then, presumably, the resettlement can safely proceed. But even if every terrorist could be …

Source: Medina—The First Muslim Refugee Resettlement Program – Crisis Magazine