Daily Archives: 17 Dec 2015

Students Were Given a Drawing Assignment for a Lesson on Islam. Then Parents Googled Its Meaning…

This is ripe with contempt. This so-called educator has passed through the paradigm and morphed into a muslim apologist. If they even brought the bible or other sacred books into the World Geography class there would be backlash beyond all means. Besides which, what does the caligraphy have to do with world religion?


“…the teacher pushed and pushed and pushed so I did it…”

Source: Students Were Given a Drawing Assignment for a Lesson on Islam. Then Parents Googled Its Meaning…

US Judge Shuns Bible – Swears in on Muhammad’s Terror Manual, the Quran

One has to wonder just what this judge is swearing to uphold. The book that she uses to hold her esteem is evil and ridden with injustice. What is wrong with the American people. In NY judges are elected by the people. Were they sleeping or is this just the result of apathy? Are the people of Brooklyn that naive to believe this women is about the Constitution? WAKE UP AMERICA. Wrestle back control of YOUR (OUR) Government. Did you actually “consent” to this?

Carolyn Walker-Diallo

Source: US Judge Shuns Bible – Swears in on Muhammad’s Terror Manual, the Quran – Freedom Outpost

Team led by Middle Eastern Woman Caught Surveilling U.S. Facility on Mexican Border 

The fact that they were caught so blatantly surveying the border operation leads me to suspect they were also gauging the response to such action.  What is further interesting is the amount of activity of middle eastern detainment’s that are being covered up.  Men with backpacks and cylinders that are absorbed into the DHS apparatus and then denial of their existence.  We need more Patriot eyes on the border and its surrounding communities.body


A Middle Eastern woman was caught surveilling a U.S. port of entry on the Mexican border holding a sketchbook with Arabic writing and drawings of the facility and its security system, federal law enforcement sources tell Judicial Watch. The woman has been identified as 23-year-old Leila Abdelrazaq, according to a Customs and Border Patrol (CPB)Read the full post

Source: Team led by Middle Eastern Woman Caught Surveilling U.S. Facility on Mexican Border – Judicial Watch