Daily Archives: 14 Dec 2015

Destroy Islam or Islam will destroy US – Here is the Proof – Walid Shoebat

Soon we will be fighting these savages in our land. We must not allow this hijaj to continue as it will weaken our resolve. These savages are just that. They have no concern for others, only their evil muhammad.


Our contest is not only whether we ourselves shall be free, but whether there shall be left to mankind an asylum on earth for civil and religious liberty. Samuel Adams

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It appears the final count down is approaching. Islam is at war with the non Muslim World, the average American seems …

Source: Destroy Islam or Islam will destroy US – Here is the Proof – Walid Shoebat

Terrorism Policy for Patriots 

I have agreed with AFR and their director, Nelson Hultberg, many times and do now. The solutions stated here are ones that I speak about on many occasions. They need to be implemented and carried out by Patriots. A very “REAL” reason for us to step into the political fray. As I often state, “we fight the politicos in their arena or we fight their agents”, I prefer to fight the politicos until it is impossible to NOT have to fight their agents.cropped-cropped-donttreadonme.jpg

There are two primary sources of terrorism in America today. Number one: Islam, in its fundamentalist version, is a primitive religion of hostility and violence that’s goal is to conquer the world by holy war. Number two: the neoconservatives’ militaristic crusade since the first Gulf War to establish hegemony throughout the Mideast has created blowback.

Source: Terrorism Policy for Patriots – Americans for a Free Republic