Tag Archives: UN Mandates

The Failure of Democracy How The Oligarchs Plan To Steal The Election

The world order is coming to a head. Either we stand as Americans and defeat them, our we surrender to their demands of continued taxation. Make no mistake about it, America is the last bastion of Liberty and the New World, One World, Whatever World Order Powers that be, want nothing more than to control us. Their plan is to enslave us to their demands of climate control and gun control and to take our freedoms and our rights as if they are provided by them.  A vote for Hillary is a vote for tyranny. #NeverHillary



The Failure of Democracy How The Oligarchs Plan To Steal The Election Paul Craig Roberts I am now convinced that the Oligarchy that rules America intends the presidential election.

Source: Paul Craig Roberts

Hillary Clinton Lines Up With U.N. To Go All-In For Unlimited Migration

Here is a great presentation of how the UN is using its globalization to bully countries into accepting its presentations. These presentations are created by the globalist, one world order regime.

Largest U.N. conference ever

Habitat III was attended by a staggering 50,000 people including more than 200 mayors and another 140 city delegations.

The sole purpose of this conference is to approve a 24-page document called the New Urban Agenda.

“The only purpose of the conference is to rubber stamp this document and elevate it and lift it up to the world,” said Wood. “And right now it looks like they are. Everybody. All the nations.”

In this document lies the globalists’ plans for cities. All cities. Big, small, even tiny cities. Every American who lives in a city will at some point see the fruits of the plan the U.N. has in store for the world, says Wood, an expert on global governance and the technocracy movement.

The Habitat conference convenes only once every 20 years but when it does, it leaves a trail of anti-capitalist, anti-liberty “global standards” in its wake, says Wood. These are the standards by which the U.N. wants each and every city in the world to be operated. They come packaged as “non-binding” and Congress never approves them.

Yet, somehow, the global standards coming out of the major U.N. conferences always seem to filter down to even the smallest American hamlet. How? Through federal grants. Any city that accepts federal grants will at some point be required to implement the practices that the U.N. has declared “sustainable.”

Patrick Wood was interviewed for this article, which was subsequently linked on DrudgeReport. Little by little, the world is hearing our message on Technocracy! Thank you to all who have supported Technocracy Rising and Technocracy.News in the past and to those who will in the future.

Source: Hillary Clinton Lines Up With U.N. To Go All-In For Unlimited Migration

Coming to America? International displeasure with migrants mounts

As we have been reporting on the do nothing congress and the fact that our tax dollars are funding this travesty, we now get this report out of Europe. These so-called “refugees” are unhappy with the society they have entered and are demanding that the residents leave.  They come to take and now they are forcing their culture on the very people that are funding their so-called migration as refugees.  This tacit is better know as “hijra“.


From stories of German citizens fleeing their country because of growing migrant populations to reports in the U.K. revealing that the definition of “child refugee” is up for interpretation, there’s evidence of growing populist resistance against government resettlement programs.

Source: Coming to America? International displeasure with migrants mounts – Personal Liberty®

A Clinton Presidency Will Bring “A Hemispheric Government”…And War With Russia

We have come to know that the Clinton clan, like the Bush Clan, are globalists. Hell, George Bush, Sr. proclaimed

“What is at stake is more than one small country; it is a big idea: a new world order, where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind — peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law. Such is a world worthy of our struggle and worthy of our children’s future.”
source: The American Presidency Project

So we know that these sociopaths are quick to spin their agenda into their words.  Now comes this Hillary whom speaks of similar aspirations.  A “Hemispheric Government”.

What’s that smell? It’s the bitter smell of treachery seeping from every pore of Hillary Clinton, the woman who says she would be great for the country.

Source: A Clinton Presidency Will Bring “A Hemispheric Government”…And War With Russia | The Sleuth Journal

IMF formed after gold standard abandoned: Precious metals basics

Did you know that the United Nations formed the International Monetary Fund (IMF)? Did you know they were formed to stop the use of Gold and precious metals, thus allowing the infinite creation of fiat?  The destruction of OUR dollar?


With the founding of the United Nations after World War II, representatives of 44 nations met in conference at Bretton Woods, N.H., in July 1944, to form the International Monetary Fund. The IMF is a specialized agency affiliated with the United Nations, designed to stabilize international monetary exchange rates instead of the gold standard. It has no power to dictate national monetary policies. The members of the IMF, it was decided, would all deposit quotas in the fund, only one-quarter of which had to be in gold, and the rest in their own currencies. From this fund, members could purchase with their own national currencies the gold or foreign exchange they needed. The IMF, then, became the world’s largest source of quickly available international credit. By June 1972, the 124-nation fund had provided $24.6 billion in short-term financial assistance.

Source: IMF formed after gold standard abandoned: Precious metals basics

George Soros using his billions to fund #BlackLivesMatter and the immigration push

From my friend at Personal Liberty comes this piece that displays the disdain for our freedom. These globalists have got to be shown that “We the People” will not and are not going to take the further degradation of OUR Country.

More than 2,500 documents and emails from Soros’ Open Society Foundation reveal that Soros funded #BlackLivesMatter to the tune of $650,000 in 2015, and is also behind the push to import more immigrants into the U.S. and is taking credit for moving the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill through the U.S. senate.

Source: George Soros using his billions to fund #BlackLivesMatter and the immigration push – Personal Liberty®

Globalism through U.N.’s Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and Vision 2050

The new term of the day, VISION 2050. These globalists will stop at nothing to push their agenda on the world. America the last bastion of freedom stands in the way. We must be aware of these scoundrels and throw off their plans to enslave us along with the world.

Globalism through U.N.’s Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and Vision 2050, low-carbon mobility city, EPA, Presidential candidate and highly successful businessman Donald Trump said it best; we should be concentrating on Americanism, not globalism

Source: Globalism through U.N.’s Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and Vision 2050

Arnold Ahlert: A Culturally Suicidal Progressive Ideology

NOW is the time to “STOP the REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT”. Yes, it because the so called refugees are not coming for anymore reason than to conquer the West by using the Wests compassion. We of the West have to awaken to the fact that hijra is an islamic jihad that is used to conquer the host nation. There are no nations were islam and non-islam coexist.


We either reject progressive ideology, or endure a “reasonable” amount of terror as the new normal.

Source: Arnold Ahlert: A Culturally Suicidal Progressive Ideology — The Patriot Post

New Jersey Withdraws from Federal Refugee Resettlement Program

Finally some good news. New Jersey joins other states in blocking this systemic resettlement of foreigners in our state.  Keep up the pressure and we will continue to win.

New Jersey Withdraws from Federal Refugee Resettlement Program

Source: New Jersey Withdraws from Federal Refugee Resettlement Program – Breitbart

Congress Remains Silent As UN Demands U.S. Taxpayer Money And Open Borders For Muslim Refugees 

The muslim brotherhood has engineered its way into the UN. Another reason to get the UN out of the United States. This organization, influenced by those that wish to dominate world, needs to be destroyed.  They have no right to dictate to us.


Rampant immigration is the tool to break down traditional societies and cultures, to make way for the full implementation of Sustainable Development (aka Technocracy). The UN believes that the only path to Sustainable Development is through an ‘inclusive’, multicultural society. Europe is already learning painful lessons from these policies as their societies disintegrate right before their eyes. If Americans saw immigration policies for what they are, they would cause another revolution to stop it.

Source: Congress Remains Silent As UN Demands U.S. Taxpayer Money And Open Borders For Muslim Refugees – Technocracy News