Tag Archives: foreign invaders

Feds bust Hezbollah sleeper cell charged with plotting NYC attack

If we Americans need more reasons to “STOP the REFUGEES” and ban travel from countries that sponsor terror, then here it is. These vermin travel freely to and from these terror training camps and we wonder how they are able to plot against us?? How they can pull this off?? Our “OPEN BORDER POLICY” comes to mind. When is enough enough?? I say it is NOW! DO NOT DELAY. Pressure your legislators to take action and save our way of life.

Iran-backed terror agents taken down by FBI and NYPD.

Source: Feds bust Hezbollah sleeper cell charged with plotting NYC attack

The real reasons why Trump has flipped on his campaign promises

His campaign to drain the swamp has fallen to the wayside.  The progressives are still in control and we are falling further into debt. We have to plummet him with reminders that “We the People” demand he honor his pledges.  As I posted in the past, Trump Administration turning out to be the Goldman Sachs Administration, the Goldman influence is driving the administration. While he has done some good, he is still bringing in refugees, hasn’t built the wall, allowed the Generals to bomb Syria (a false flag), we still have obamacare and now we are about to have $1 trillion in spending, short term at that.  Yes, $1 trillion, with a “T”.

WAKE this guy up.

Demand that he return the budget bill

Stop refugees

Stand tall for the wall

Trump, at the very onset of his administration, broke one of his most important campaign promises — to “drain the swamp.” Instead, he filled his cabinet with all of the same swamp creatures he originally attacked; the same swamp creatures Hillary Clinton was notorious for serving.

Source: The real reasons why Trump has flipped on his campaign promises – Personal Liberty®

Shootout at U.S. Consulate in Nuevo Laredo Part of Cartel-Terrorist Attack Plan for Trump Inauguration 

We have been hearing about these more and more. I have no intel except for Judicial Watch, which I consider a good source. I post this as a heads up in the continuing battle against the progressive movement that is underlying our country.

Judicial Watch, January 12, 2017: A deadly shootout at the construction site of the new American Consulate occurred this week in a Mexican border town where Islamic terrorists and drug cartels plan…

Source: Shootout at U.S. Consulate in Nuevo Laredo Part of Cartel-Terrorist Attack Plan for Trump Inauguration | The Counter Jihad Report

Major Border Crisis: Illegal Muslims Crossing Into the US Up 935%

We are receiving reports of a surge of undocumented Asian, African and Haitian, mostly middle aged men attempting to cross the southern border. As seen in this video and the following report, this is overwhelming the shelters on the border.

A “United Nations” mix of illegals trying to cross the U.S. border raises terrorist concerns and could cost America billions. The Washington Examiner, reports that Cubans trying to get in have doubled while illegal entries from Pakistanis have surged 935 percent.

Source: Major Border Crisis: Illegal Muslims Crossing Into the US Up 935%

Ten Reasons to Criminalize Islam

I publish these ideas as they are worthy of discussion. We have religious liberty in America and that doesn’t enable the Catholics, Mormons, Hasidic or any other religious to have laws that usurp the Constitution.  That is the issue with islam.  It is an ideology that must be defeated again.  To allow its growth in the West, is to allow cancer to grow unchecked in ones body.

Source: Ten Reasons to Criminalize Islam – Dr. Rich Swier

Ten Reasons to Criminalize Islam:

  1. Islam is not a religion. Islam is a political, economic, and military ideology that uses religion as a tool to covertly spread Islam and sharia law throughout the world.
  2. Islam advocates child marriages. Prophet Mohammed is the pure example of Islam to all Muslims and he married an innocent six year old girl and raped her repeatedly while she was a child.
  3. Islam dictates that no man made law is above Sharia law. Islamic scholars routinely teach young Muslim children to hate America and the U.S. Constitution.
  4. Islam scholars demand Muslims show no allegiance to any country, specifically America and Israel. Muslim children in America are taught to not stand for the American flag.
  5. Physical jihad is advocated toward all non Muslims and non Muslim countries.
  6. Islamic scholars distribute materials through their mosques and Islamic book stores advocating the overthrow of America and the total destruction of Israel.
  7. Their are Islamic organizations in America that advocate Muslims to kill Jews and Christians (and apostates of Islam) wherever they find them, and specifically in America.
  8. Mosques are safe havens for Islamic terrorists and their materials for war. We saw this in Iraq and it is being conducted in America.
  9. Numerous mosques distribute manuals to their worshipers advocating killing U.S. Law enforcement officers and how to go underground to escape apprehension. This manual is originated in Brooklyn, NY, and placed in mosques throughout America.
  10. Their are Islamic terrorist supporters throughout our government at all levels, there are Islamic terrorist supporters in our liberal media, law enforcement, and military.
    We must understand the goal of Islam is to dominate the entire world and place all countries under shariah law

Protect our children by advocating the criminalization of Islam in America. Instead of designating various Islamic groups as terrorist organization, designate Islam as the enemy and a criminal organization.

The people who run Islam are part of the organized crime unit known as the Muslim Mafia.

15 of the Most Dangerous Anti-Muslim Extremists

You can add me to your pithy list of socalled haters.  You, Potok and your minions whom spew vile lies and spin words to sell your reports, are the part of the “Enemy from Within”.  You are the mouthpiece for the likes of those that wish to destroy the Western culture.  And I am sure that Potok and his hate group would deny the existence of the Muslim Brotherhood or that they are an “Enemy of the State”. Wake up America, it is the hate groups in disguise, especially Potok and his minions that are fomenting the blatant lies and coverups in order to spew their brand of the world in order to turn a buck or two. #NoSharia #GatesofVienna

15 Islamophobes to watch out for.

Source: 15 of the Most Dangerous Anti-Muslim Extremists | Alternet

The Dark Agenda Behind Globalism And Open Borders

If you have not awakened to this phenomenon of Global Governance, here is a great piece that brings it ALL into perspective.

I could quote globalists all day long, but I think you get the general idea. While some people see globalism as a “natural offshoot” of free markets or the inevitable outcome of economic progress, the reality is that the simplest explanation (given the evidence at hand) is that globalism is an outright war waged against the ideal of sovereign peoples and nations. It is a guerrilla war, or fourth generation warfare, waged by a small group of elites against the rest of us.

Source: The Dark Agenda Behind Globalism And Open Borders

Coming to America? International displeasure with migrants mounts

As we have been reporting on the do nothing congress and the fact that our tax dollars are funding this travesty, we now get this report out of Europe. These so-called “refugees” are unhappy with the society they have entered and are demanding that the residents leave.  They come to take and now they are forcing their culture on the very people that are funding their so-called migration as refugees.  This tacit is better know as “hijra“.


From stories of German citizens fleeing their country because of growing migrant populations to reports in the U.K. revealing that the definition of “child refugee” is up for interpretation, there’s evidence of growing populist resistance against government resettlement programs.

Source: Coming to America? International displeasure with migrants mounts – Personal Liberty®

George Soros using his billions to fund #BlackLivesMatter and the immigration push

From my friend at Personal Liberty comes this piece that displays the disdain for our freedom. These globalists have got to be shown that “We the People” will not and are not going to take the further degradation of OUR Country.

More than 2,500 documents and emails from Soros’ Open Society Foundation reveal that Soros funded #BlackLivesMatter to the tune of $650,000 in 2015, and is also behind the push to import more immigrants into the U.S. and is taking credit for moving the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill through the U.S. senate.

Source: George Soros using his billions to fund #BlackLivesMatter and the immigration push – Personal Liberty®