Tag Archives: Crony Corporatism

The real reasons why Trump has flipped on his campaign promises

His campaign to drain the swamp has fallen to the wayside.  The progressives are still in control and we are falling further into debt. We have to plummet him with reminders that “We the People” demand he honor his pledges.  As I posted in the past, Trump Administration turning out to be the Goldman Sachs Administration, the Goldman influence is driving the administration. While he has done some good, he is still bringing in refugees, hasn’t built the wall, allowed the Generals to bomb Syria (a false flag), we still have obamacare and now we are about to have $1 trillion in spending, short term at that.  Yes, $1 trillion, with a “T”.

WAKE this guy up.

Demand that he return the budget bill

Stop refugees

Stand tall for the wall

Trump, at the very onset of his administration, broke one of his most important campaign promises — to “drain the swamp.” Instead, he filled his cabinet with all of the same swamp creatures he originally attacked; the same swamp creatures Hillary Clinton was notorious for serving.

Source: The real reasons why Trump has flipped on his campaign promises – Personal Liberty®


Well it appears we are the junction in the road where we are sure to experience a short squeeze followed by a “force majuere” on the comex market. While I do not wish for anything but “TRUE” price discovery, I also know that the shorts are very powerful.  As Egon von Greyerz states in the following article, we have been lied to over and over again.

Start a war to divert attention from economic problems
The final desperate measure to divert attention from the dire financial situation of a country is war. After less than 3 months in power, Trump has now had to resort to war. Most of his attempts to exercise presidential power have failed. All his statements that the US will no longer be an aggressor changed very quickly after an alleged gas attack by Syria. The US president took the decision to bomb Syria before any independent investigation had taken place. Russia is clearly not going to accept this and is now assisting Syria in strengthening their defences. Russia is also sending warships to the Mediterranean where there are already US warships. The UK Foreign Secretary just cancelled a trip to Russia and has agreed with the US Secretary of State to spearhead the drive to get Russia out of Syria. But fortunately some of the members of the G7, Germany and Italy refused to back the UK and US plans for Syria.

Gold and silver – the ultimate insurance against a rotten world

What everyone can do, at different levels, is to protect themselves against the coming financial crisis. This crisis is virtually guaranteed to happen within the next few years. We have for over 15 years helped investors to preserve wealth primarily in the form of owning physical gold and silver outside the banking system.

There are various ways to buy and own precious metals but to be totally safe there are many rules that are sacrosanct:

by Egon von Greyerz There are lies, damned lies and news, to paraphrase British Prime Minister Disraeli who said: “There are lies, damned lies and statistics. Today we are fed with lies ubiquitousl…


Trump’s ‘Wag the Dog’ Moment 

As a continuum to my earlier post, Why the Syria gas attack was a false flag, I offer this well presented piece. The evidence that I have been seeing is not supporting the facts that the Trump Administration were fed.  Most, if not all the evidence is leading to a false narrative of Assad gassing his people.  This piece and a few others have indicated that the bombing by Assad was just that a bombing of rebel positions.

But a number of intelligence sources have made contradictory assessments, saying the preponderance of evidence suggests that Al Qaeda-affiliated rebels were at fault, either by orchestrating an intentional release of a chemical agent as a provocation or by possessing containers of poison gas that ruptured during a conventional bombing raid.One intelligence source told me that the most likely scenario was a staged event by the rebels intended to force Trump to reverse a policy, announced only days earlier,

Source: Trump’s ‘Wag the Dog’ Moment – Consortiumnews


If you have been following me at all you must know that I am an advocate for regular accumulation of “REAL MONEY”, gold and $ilver. What that means is that you continue to convert your dollars into bullion, preferably recognizable coins, on a regular schedule. Whether you choose weekly, monthly, quarterly or even daily, JUST DO IT!  As the following article so elegantly describes the coming demise of the dollar, it will be clear why I advocate this.

Gold and silver uptrend has resumed.  Gold has partially reflected the currency money printing and debasement since 1971 by going up 35x. Silver is only up 10x since then. The principal reason for the relatively small rises in gold and especially silver is the constant manipulation and suppression in the paper market. Without that both gold and silver would be many times higher than the current prices. But the paper market can fail at any time and once it does, there will be a price explosion in physical gold and silver whilst the paper metals will become worthless.

Source: THE US OWES THE WORLD 3x THE GOLD EVER PRODUCED | Matterhorn – GoldSwitzerland | Matterhorn – GoldSwitzerland

Newly Unsealed Documents Reveal EPA & Monsanto Always Knew Round-Up Was Deadly Toxic

These disclosures are coming more and more. The collusion between the government and Monsanto is becoming clearer and clearer. While some may think tin-foil hat, the reality is that it is so obvious that it has become unbelievable. All one has to do is read without presupposition and digest the facts. This is a serious situation. This Glyphosate gets into the food chain and effects all that we eventually eat. It is the ultimate, “enemy from within”. If you wish to avoid the effects of Glyphosate, then grow your own or find a “trusted” organic source. This is not something to “NOT” consider.

Forty years ago Monsanto began its own research on glyphosate, and their studies reveal that Monsanto always knew about the human health hazards of glyphosate.

Source: Newly Unsealed Documents Reveal EPA & Monsanto Always Knew Round-Up Was Deadly Toxic

Trump Administration turning out to be the Goldman Sachs Administration

Yes, Donald Trump is my choice for President. The reason for the post is that no matter how patriotic, grassroots or “outsider” you are, your friends and associates will define you. This is the reason for our efforts to continue to watch ALL POLITICOS, yes, even our Brother Donald J. Trump.

Donald Trump’s promise to drain the swamp doesn’t extend to the bankster class. In fact, if anything, Trump is giving the banksters even more seats at the power table – especially Goldman Sachs.

Source: Trump Administration turning out to be the Goldman Sachs Administration – Personal Liberty®

Black Magic Fraud to be exposed in 2017 – Gold up 300x 

So what will you do when you go to the bank or ATM and the doors are locked or the system is down? Do you have enough cash on hand to last the early days of a complete meltdown. Probably not. Like most you are lucky to have any cash at all. Forget about cash at that point because just like we saw during the gas crisis where gas stations would only accept “$ilver Coins” for gas, cash will not be king.

Convert to some hard assets that you can readily access before the rush. I can help you find your way.

Black Magic Fraud to be exposed in 2017 – Gold up 300x By Egon von Greyerz At the beginning of a new year it would be totally natural to forecast what the likely events and trends will be for 2017.…

Source: Black Magic Fraud to be exposed in 2017 – Gold up 300x | Matterhorn – GoldSwitzerland | Matterhorn – GoldSwitzerland

Paul Craig Roberts: Oligarchs Are True Purveyors Of Fake News

Here is some more evidence of the whispered words, NWO. These tyrants will not relinquish control until we string them up. I know that sounds rather harsh, but evil begets evil and the evil they bring can only be defeated by their death. Dishonor does not count in the world of the oligarchs. They have always contained the masses by allowing the illusion of freedom to decide by vote. But they manipulated the vote and we stood by as if that was truth. After the trouncing they received by the election of Mr. Trump, the Brexit vote and now the possibility of the end of the European union, we must remain vigilant, ready to fight for our freedom. Join with others that are ready at Restore the USA.

Former Reagan Secretary Paul Craig Roberts Says Oligarchs Are True Purveyors Of Fake News In Exclusive MintPress News interview.

Source: Paul Craig Roberts: Oligarchs Are True Purveyors Of Fake News

Shocking: Trump Fills Cabinet With Council on Foreign Relations War Hawks (VIDEO) 

As a Trump supporter myself, I am getting dismayed by the people that are being placed in the cabinet. As detailed in the following piece, if you are objective as I like to believe I am, you should be concerned as well.  Be sure to read the whole article after reviewing the short video.


All due respect to Donald Trump supporters, partially because I am one, but I can’t help but notice I’m seeing many of the same characteristics in obama’s

Source: Shocking: Trump Fills Cabinet With Council on Foreign Relations War Hawks (VIDEO) | The Sleuth Journal

After Election, the Woman Investigating Clinton Foundation Crimes, FOUND DEAD!

Well, I have to admit that I continue to be dismayed by the amount of people that get involved with the Clinton’s that end up dead. Frankly, I have lost count. I suppose we will hear that Anthony Weiner or Donna Brazille will be missing in action and turn up dead.

Evil begets Evil.

It has been reported on Reddit that Monica Petersen, working for the Human Trafficking Center, was in Haiti investigating possible human trafficking connections to the Clinton Foundation.

Source: After Election, the Woman Investigating Clinton Foundation Crimes, FOUND DEAD!