Tag Archives: border security

Trump’s first 100 days 

I am relieved that we have a new administration in the making. I voted for the Trump/Pence team and sincerely believe this is the change that we need. I am encouraged by the fact that we have the Congress as well. NOW, WE the PEOPLE, must hold their feet to the fire and ensure that change will…



I agree with the proposals set forth below and do not wish to see any undone. Consider addressing your thoughts on the President Elect site, “Making America Great Again“.

There are a number of things Donald Trump and Congress should work together to do in Trump’s first 100 days in order to restore liberty and spark economic growth the like of which has never before been seen in this country.

Source: Trump’s first 100 days – Personal Liberty®

Hillary Clinton Lines Up With U.N. To Go All-In For Unlimited Migration

Here is a great presentation of how the UN is using its globalization to bully countries into accepting its presentations. These presentations are created by the globalist, one world order regime.

Largest U.N. conference ever

Habitat III was attended by a staggering 50,000 people including more than 200 mayors and another 140 city delegations.

The sole purpose of this conference is to approve a 24-page document called the New Urban Agenda.

“The only purpose of the conference is to rubber stamp this document and elevate it and lift it up to the world,” said Wood. “And right now it looks like they are. Everybody. All the nations.”

In this document lies the globalists’ plans for cities. All cities. Big, small, even tiny cities. Every American who lives in a city will at some point see the fruits of the plan the U.N. has in store for the world, says Wood, an expert on global governance and the technocracy movement.

The Habitat conference convenes only once every 20 years but when it does, it leaves a trail of anti-capitalist, anti-liberty “global standards” in its wake, says Wood. These are the standards by which the U.N. wants each and every city in the world to be operated. They come packaged as “non-binding” and Congress never approves them.

Yet, somehow, the global standards coming out of the major U.N. conferences always seem to filter down to even the smallest American hamlet. How? Through federal grants. Any city that accepts federal grants will at some point be required to implement the practices that the U.N. has declared “sustainable.”

Patrick Wood was interviewed for this article, which was subsequently linked on DrudgeReport. Little by little, the world is hearing our message on Technocracy! Thank you to all who have supported Technocracy Rising and Technocracy.News in the past and to those who will in the future.

Source: Hillary Clinton Lines Up With U.N. To Go All-In For Unlimited Migration

George Soros using his billions to fund #BlackLivesMatter and the immigration push

From my friend at Personal Liberty comes this piece that displays the disdain for our freedom. These globalists have got to be shown that “We the People” will not and are not going to take the further degradation of OUR Country.

More than 2,500 documents and emails from Soros’ Open Society Foundation reveal that Soros funded #BlackLivesMatter to the tune of $650,000 in 2015, and is also behind the push to import more immigrants into the U.S. and is taking credit for moving the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill through the U.S. senate.

Source: George Soros using his billions to fund #BlackLivesMatter and the immigration push – Personal Liberty®

Trump: “We must take on the ideology of radical Islam”

Finally a truthful patriot whom is not only going to stop this onslaught of refugees, but will call for the proper vetting of any and all that come to America. We need to know who comes and whether they are coming for the spoils or coming to “BE AMERICAN”. If you wish to just come and take then you are not welcome.

Muslim migrant sex assaults on children in Greek refugee camps Twin Falls pro-refugee pol savages family of girl raped by Muslim migrants

Source: Trump: “We must take on the ideology of radical Islam”

Globalism through U.N.’s Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and Vision 2050

The new term of the day, VISION 2050. These globalists will stop at nothing to push their agenda on the world. America the last bastion of freedom stands in the way. We must be aware of these scoundrels and throw off their plans to enslave us along with the world.

Globalism through U.N.’s Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and Vision 2050, low-carbon mobility city, EPA, Presidential candidate and highly successful businessman Donald Trump said it best; we should be concentrating on Americanism, not globalism

Source: Globalism through U.N.’s Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and Vision 2050

A Declaration of Independence for today

As you can tell from the title, this piece is about a NEW Declaration of Independence. New only in the sense that it is written today in response to today’s tyranny. Today’s usurpatation of OUR Constitution.

As the Declaration of Independence clearly states,

           “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among                                   Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed” .

When did we “consent” to “open borders”, “refugee resettlement”, “Federal Reserve”, just to name a few.  Sure we elected men and women to “represent us”, but what have we done?  We have allowed them to “rule over us”.  As I have always stated, “we engage the politicos in their arena or we face their agents in our streets”.  So join with your local activists and take action before the following may occur.  Join Restore the USA and make a difference.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these united States; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of recent presidents, congresses and federal courts is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

Two-hundred forty years ago a group of men pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honor and embarked on a dangerous journey with an uncertain outcome in an effort to wrest themselves and their country from a despotic monarch and forge a new nation. So with apologies to Mr. Jefferson, etc., I have taken their framework and drafted a new document stating our new grievances.

Source: A Declaration of Independence for today – Personal Liberty®

NAU Reborn As ‘North American Climate, Clean Energy And Environment Partnership’

Here we go again. The “New NAU”. We can never presume that these efforts are defeated. These scoundrels will always come up with another way to re-package and re-sell their so-called vision. The united States of America must continue to control its borders and its sovereignty.

In a desperate attempt to establish a global Technocracy before people rise up and stop them cold in their tracks, the global elite are making a renewed push to resuscitate and establish the North American Union that was attempted under George Bush in 2005-6.

Source: NAU Reborn As ‘North American Climate, Clean Energy And Environment Partnership’ – Technocracy News

Ready for ‘Migrant Onslaught,’ Swiss May Post Tanks at Border

Even my Swiss brothers have had enough of this invasion. Make no mistake about it, it is an invasion. The hijra is a muslim tactic to invade and overpower countries that they want to convert. Like fire ants and cockroaches they keep coming in waves. Their objective is the worldwide caliphate living under sharia. Download and deliver our petition to de-fund the Refugee Resettlement Program.


Switzerland has announced it is considering stationing a tank battalion at its southern border with Italy to close down the Brenner Pass.

Source: Ready for ‘Migrant Onslaught,’ Swiss May Post Tanks at Border

Germany Raids Homes of Immigration Critics 

This tyranny is coming to America. The thought police are being used by the morons in these NGO’s to shut us down. These morons at the NGO’s are monetizing the refugee resettlement. They are the culprit. Time to cut the head off the snake.

Police admit that there was no evidence of any crime beyond expressing outlawed opinions. By Counter Jihad, German police ransacked the homes of ten people in Berlin’s suburbs last …

Source: Germany Raids Homes of Immigration Critics | The Counter Jihad Report

Sustainable Development, Migration And The Multi-Cultural Destruction Of The Nation State

Here is more evidence, presented by Patrick Woods due diligence, that proves the NWO is anti-Freedom and Liberty. We must get out of the UN and control our Borders and Culture.Migration-and-Nation-State

Sustainable Development, Migration And The Multi-Cultural Destruction Of The Nation State