Category Archives: Refugee Resettlement

Major Border Crisis: Illegal Muslims Crossing Into the US Up 935%

We are receiving reports of a surge of undocumented Asian, African and Haitian, mostly middle aged men attempting to cross the southern border. As seen in this video and the following report, this is overwhelming the shelters on the border.

A “United Nations” mix of illegals trying to cross the U.S. border raises terrorist concerns and could cost America billions. The Washington Examiner, reports that Cubans trying to get in have doubled while illegal entries from Pakistanis have surged 935 percent.

Source: Major Border Crisis: Illegal Muslims Crossing Into the US Up 935%

The Dark Agenda Behind Globalism And Open Borders

If you have not awakened to this phenomenon of Global Governance, here is a great piece that brings it ALL into perspective.

I could quote globalists all day long, but I think you get the general idea. While some people see globalism as a “natural offshoot” of free markets or the inevitable outcome of economic progress, the reality is that the simplest explanation (given the evidence at hand) is that globalism is an outright war waged against the ideal of sovereign peoples and nations. It is a guerrilla war, or fourth generation warfare, waged by a small group of elites against the rest of us.

Source: The Dark Agenda Behind Globalism And Open Borders

Coming to America? International displeasure with migrants mounts

As we have been reporting on the do nothing congress and the fact that our tax dollars are funding this travesty, we now get this report out of Europe. These so-called “refugees” are unhappy with the society they have entered and are demanding that the residents leave.  They come to take and now they are forcing their culture on the very people that are funding their so-called migration as refugees.  This tacit is better know as “hijra“.


From stories of German citizens fleeing their country because of growing migrant populations to reports in the U.K. revealing that the definition of “child refugee” is up for interpretation, there’s evidence of growing populist resistance against government resettlement programs.

Source: Coming to America? International displeasure with migrants mounts – Personal Liberty®

“Shaking Hands is an Important Part of Our Culture”

Here it is again, a simple custom of the host country that the so called religion of peace disallows. It may seem odd to us to “have to” shake your teachers hand, that is the Swiss custom and “When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do”! This is an ongoing issue with integration into the Western Culture. I commend the Swiss for their tenacity and perseverance on these issues.

Where are the American Leaders with American Values?

Source: Hugh Fitzgerald: “Shaking Hands is an Important Part of Our Culture”

VIDEO: How do you tell when a civilization is dangerously close to collapse? 

CIVILIZATION IDENTITY will he increasingly important in the future, and the world will be shaped in large measure by the interactions among seven or eight

Source: VIDEO: How do you tell when a civilization is dangerously close to collapse? – Dr. Rich Swier

Muslims don’t assimilate, they infiltrate

For those that follow my musings, you know that I have been in front of this for some time. The hijra is a tenant of islam. Too conquer the host country through migration. This evil is spreading like wild fire. Not for it’s virtue but for its vice. Why wouldn’t conquering armies like to loot and rape? Why wouldn’t men enjoy multiple women?All I know is that the morally of the West, while going down the toilet is not a reason for allowing this conquest.

Awaken my friends and join with other activists in one place, your local bistro or club. Find your like minded local activists on Restore the USA.

Source: Family Security Matters

New Jersey Withdraws from Federal Refugee Resettlement Program

Finally some good news. New Jersey joins other states in blocking this systemic resettlement of foreigners in our state.  Keep up the pressure and we will continue to win.

New Jersey Withdraws from Federal Refugee Resettlement Program

Source: New Jersey Withdraws from Federal Refugee Resettlement Program – Breitbart

Congress Remains Silent As UN Demands U.S. Taxpayer Money And Open Borders For Muslim Refugees 

The muslim brotherhood has engineered its way into the UN. Another reason to get the UN out of the United States. This organization, influenced by those that wish to dominate world, needs to be destroyed.  They have no right to dictate to us.


Rampant immigration is the tool to break down traditional societies and cultures, to make way for the full implementation of Sustainable Development (aka Technocracy). The UN believes that the only path to Sustainable Development is through an ‘inclusive’, multicultural society. Europe is already learning painful lessons from these policies as their societies disintegrate right before their eyes. If Americans saw immigration policies for what they are, they would cause another revolution to stop it.

Source: Congress Remains Silent As UN Demands U.S. Taxpayer Money And Open Borders For Muslim Refugees – Technocracy News

Ready for ‘Migrant Onslaught,’ Swiss May Post Tanks at Border

Even my Swiss brothers have had enough of this invasion. Make no mistake about it, it is an invasion. The hijra is a muslim tactic to invade and overpower countries that they want to convert. Like fire ants and cockroaches they keep coming in waves. Their objective is the worldwide caliphate living under sharia. Download and deliver our petition to de-fund the Refugee Resettlement Program.


Switzerland has announced it is considering stationing a tank battalion at its southern border with Italy to close down the Brenner Pass.

Source: Ready for ‘Migrant Onslaught,’ Swiss May Post Tanks at Border

Muslims Are Creating ‘Nations Within Nations’ Says Former Head of U.K. Equalities Commission

Anyone that has followed these musings know that we have advocated for some time that this is nothing more than, “hijra”. The muslim migration to take over the host country. While you may say that America is greater than this, we warn you that it is already occurring in many cities. Take a look at these cities; Nashville, TN; Minneapolis, MNHarrisburg , PA; Jersey City, NJ. Just a few that we know are already exhibiting “no-go” zones. Places were non-muslims are not welcomed.

Wake up AMERICA!  The “Enemy is at the GATE”!


Trevor Phillips, the (now former) Chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, speaks at the British Chamber of Commerce Annual Conference held at the headquarters of BAFTA in London, England.


Source: Muslims Are Creating ‘Nations Within Nations’ Says Former Head of U.K. Equalities Commission