Category Archives: wealth destruction


If you have been following me at all you must know that I am an advocate for regular accumulation of “REAL MONEY”, gold and $ilver. What that means is that you continue to convert your dollars into bullion, preferably recognizable coins, on a regular schedule. Whether you choose weekly, monthly, quarterly or even daily, JUST DO IT!  As the following article so elegantly describes the coming demise of the dollar, it will be clear why I advocate this.

Gold and silver uptrend has resumed.  Gold has partially reflected the currency money printing and debasement since 1971 by going up 35x. Silver is only up 10x since then. The principal reason for the relatively small rises in gold and especially silver is the constant manipulation and suppression in the paper market. Without that both gold and silver would be many times higher than the current prices. But the paper market can fail at any time and once it does, there will be a price explosion in physical gold and silver whilst the paper metals will become worthless.

Source: THE US OWES THE WORLD 3x THE GOLD EVER PRODUCED | Matterhorn – GoldSwitzerland | Matterhorn – GoldSwitzerland


The Federal (no more Federal than Federal Express) Reserve, will not let us know the truth about their holdings. They will not let us know when and where the great inflation (dollar destruction) will come from. So the only recourse for most, is to experience less buying power and great calamity as the dollar continues to spiral downward. The dollar will become so inflated that vendors will not want them. Then what? I suggest the monthly accumulation of gold and $ilver in order to head off the coming rise in price. Gold and $ilver priced in dollars will soon be insanely valued. PREPARE NOW!

WILL THE FED TELL EVERY AMERICAN TO BUY GOLD BEFORE IT DESTROYS THE DOLLAR? By Egon von Greyerz Western Central Banks have a real knack for timing the sale of their gold reserves. They are absolute…

Source: WILL THE FED TELL EVERY AMERICAN TO BUY GOLD BEFORE IT DESTROYS THE DOLLAR? | Matterhorn – GoldSwitzerland | Matterhorn – GoldSwitzerland

The Ugly Side Of Agenda 2030’s ‘Affordable Housing For All’

You are probably not aware of the local to NJ, Council on Affordable Housing (COAH). This agency is deciding how many of these high density housing units our towns are required to have.  Combined with the HUD money that is flowing, it is a dangerous combination.

What happened in Whitehall Township can happen in any community that has zoning laws and accepts federal money for fair housing or urban development. Even if AFFH is overturned, as the Whitehall case shows, the agency can claim discrimination for a host of reasons that may or may not be fair to communities. This is why communities must protect their local autonomy and their right to control zoning and land use.

Community members must stay informed and involved. Learn about HUD and how their grant requirements can alter your town, city, or county. Study the effects of regional sustainable development on local jurisdictional authority, on taxes, and on lifestyles. Then work with local officials to protect your neighborhoods for now and for future generations.

Technocracy is epitomized in the UN’s New Urban Agenda, which intends to transform the world’s cities into micro-managed hive populations of humans. It is the prime directive for “Smart Cities” that utilize advanced technology and planning.

Source: The Ugly Side Of Agenda 2030’s ‘Affordable Housing For All

Black Magic Fraud to be exposed in 2017 – Gold up 300x 

So what will you do when you go to the bank or ATM and the doors are locked or the system is down? Do you have enough cash on hand to last the early days of a complete meltdown. Probably not. Like most you are lucky to have any cash at all. Forget about cash at that point because just like we saw during the gas crisis where gas stations would only accept “$ilver Coins” for gas, cash will not be king.

Convert to some hard assets that you can readily access before the rush. I can help you find your way.

Black Magic Fraud to be exposed in 2017 – Gold up 300x By Egon von Greyerz At the beginning of a new year it would be totally natural to forecast what the likely events and trends will be for 2017.…

Source: Black Magic Fraud to be exposed in 2017 – Gold up 300x | Matterhorn – GoldSwitzerland | Matterhorn – GoldSwitzerland

Retired Army Colonel Says Her Social Security Checks Were Garnished to ‘Curtail Dissent’

Can not say I was aware of this. The mere fact that Social Security Administration would revoke your pension if jailed for 30 days or more is insane. That is our money not some entitlement. This tyranny has to end.  Our government is being run by those that think they rule over us.  Whether you agree with the circumstances or not does not matter, it is the insane irony of OUR government gone wild.

The website for the Social Security Administration states, “We will suspend your Social Security benefits if you are confined to a jail, prison or other penal institution for more than 30 continuous days due to a criminal conviction.” The policy means that people incarcerated in U.S. jails and prisons—who are disproportionately likely to be people of color—are already being financially penalized, in addition to the punishment handed to them by their jailers.

Meanwhile, data recently compiled from the Government Accountability Office shows that older Americans who are saddled with unpaid student debt are having their social security checks garnished. The GAO reports that, in the fiscal year 2015, the Department of Education “collected about $4.5 billion on defaulted student loan debt, of which about $171 million —less than 10 percent—was collected through Social Security offsets.”

Ann Wright says she was hit with retaliation after protesting at a U.S. drone base.

Source: Retired Army Colonel Says Her Social Security Checks Were Garnished to ‘Curtail Dissent’

Paul Craig Roberts: Oligarchs Are True Purveyors Of Fake News

Here is some more evidence of the whispered words, NWO. These tyrants will not relinquish control until we string them up. I know that sounds rather harsh, but evil begets evil and the evil they bring can only be defeated by their death. Dishonor does not count in the world of the oligarchs. They have always contained the masses by allowing the illusion of freedom to decide by vote. But they manipulated the vote and we stood by as if that was truth. After the trouncing they received by the election of Mr. Trump, the Brexit vote and now the possibility of the end of the European union, we must remain vigilant, ready to fight for our freedom. Join with others that are ready at Restore the USA.

Former Reagan Secretary Paul Craig Roberts Says Oligarchs Are True Purveyors Of Fake News In Exclusive MintPress News interview.

Source: Paul Craig Roberts: Oligarchs Are True Purveyors Of Fake News

Who’s behind the war on cash? 

It is said that what happens across the “pond” eventually comes to America. As we have seen with the migration of refugees, so will the continued limits on banking. We already have suspicious looks whenever we deposit cash into our accounts, as if we are drug dealers or black marketeers. Bankers are required to report large sums, currently a minimum between 5,000 and 10,000 dollars is a trigger. It used to be that 10,000 was the break-point but it has slowly leveraged down. Eventually we will be an ATM society. I can only suggest that you definitely have gold and $ilver in your possession for when the proverbial hits the fan, nobody, not even black marketeers will want worthless currency. Even the 90% silver coins that used to circulate will become very valuable as a barter item.  Especially since we have nearly 20 trillion dollars floating around.

There is little more destructive to the health, wealth, happiness, well-being and liberty of the populace than when the government decides to make policy to make its citizens’ lives better, protect them from crime, make their children safe or help them preserve their wealth.

Source: Who’s behind the war on cash? – Personal Liberty®

There will never be a sound currency system

As you can see from the chart below, Zimbabwe is an extreme case. But what about Venezuela?

These are two modern day examples of currencies gone bust. With 20 trillion dollars in circulation and over 200 trillion dollars in derivatives, it appears we too may be subject to these currency swings.  We do not feel it, yet, because most commodities are priced in dollars.   We may have to pay more for our supplies but the real swoon is yet to come.

Convert today before the rush comes upon you.

Source: There will never be a sound currency system | Matterhorn – GoldSwitzerland | Matterhorn – GoldSwitzerland

The Dark Agenda Behind Globalism And Open Borders

If you have not awakened to this phenomenon of Global Governance, here is a great piece that brings it ALL into perspective.

I could quote globalists all day long, but I think you get the general idea. While some people see globalism as a “natural offshoot” of free markets or the inevitable outcome of economic progress, the reality is that the simplest explanation (given the evidence at hand) is that globalism is an outright war waged against the ideal of sovereign peoples and nations. It is a guerrilla war, or fourth generation warfare, waged by a small group of elites against the rest of us.

Source: The Dark Agenda Behind Globalism And Open Borders

The Failure of Democracy How The Oligarchs Plan To Steal The Election

The world order is coming to a head. Either we stand as Americans and defeat them, our we surrender to their demands of continued taxation. Make no mistake about it, America is the last bastion of Liberty and the New World, One World, Whatever World Order Powers that be, want nothing more than to control us. Their plan is to enslave us to their demands of climate control and gun control and to take our freedoms and our rights as if they are provided by them.  A vote for Hillary is a vote for tyranny. #NeverHillary



The Failure of Democracy How The Oligarchs Plan To Steal The Election Paul Craig Roberts I am now convinced that the Oligarchy that rules America intends the presidential election.

Source: Paul Craig Roberts