Who’s behind the war on cash? 

It is said that what happens across the “pond” eventually comes to America. As we have seen with the migration of refugees, so will the continued limits on banking. We already have suspicious looks whenever we deposit cash into our accounts, as if we are drug dealers or black marketeers. Bankers are required to report large sums, currently a minimum between 5,000 and 10,000 dollars is a trigger. It used to be that 10,000 was the break-point but it has slowly leveraged down. Eventually we will be an ATM society. I can only suggest that you definitely have gold and $ilver in your possession for when the proverbial hits the fan, nobody, not even black marketeers will want worthless currency. Even the 90% silver coins that used to circulate will become very valuable as a barter item.  Especially since we have nearly 20 trillion dollars floating around.

There is little more destructive to the health, wealth, happiness, well-being and liberty of the populace than when the government decides to make policy to make its citizens’ lives better, protect them from crime, make their children safe or help them preserve their wealth.

Source: Who’s behind the war on cash? – Personal Liberty®