Tag Archives: bullion

Don’t worry about the ‘national debt’

It has been said many times throughout history that whomever controls the money controls the people. We have been destroyed by the so called Federal Reserve. No more “Federal” than Federal Express. A private corporation formed in secret and passed by the US Congress in the thinly attended December holiday session. When will they over turn it? Well, just like we hear the Trump-Pence saying, the good old boys are the issue. Our only hope is gold and $ilver, the “REAL” money. Remember “Money is Debt”. Holding gold and $ilver are unencumbered assets.

There’s been some talk on the campaign trail about the “national debt.” Mike Pence stated that the national debt has doubled under President Barack Obama. But what does the “national debt” really mean and is it something we need to worry about?

Source: Don’t worry about the ‘national debt’ – Personal Liberty®

The World is on the Edge of a Deflationary Black Hole

I would heed these words of caution. Does it seem possible that we continue to flood the world with dollars? Of course it does, we use the dollar and do not see the full effect of the overabundance of them. As the worlds reserve currency, we have a fiduciary duty to rein in the spending, but do we? Not we continue on our merry way as if the music shall never stop.  Well you better get insurance for when the music stops.  Choose now while you still can.  As I always advocate, monthly accumulation of gold or silver will be the real insurance. 

THE WORLD IS ON THE EDGE OF A DEFLATIONARY BLACK HOLE The world economy is now at its most dangerous point in history. In virtually every major country or region, there are problems of a magnitude …

Source: The World is on the Edge of a Deflationary Black Hole | Matterhorn – GoldSwitzerland

The New Totalitarianism – Americans for a Free Republic

If ever there was a time to throw off the shackles of progressive government, that time is now. We have passed over the modicum of reality and now enter the “World of Servitude”. As you know, my stance has always been to “End the Fed”. That, “Federal Reserve”, not anymore Federal than Federal Express. You must get yourself aligned with “real money”, Gold and $ilver. Convert some of your dollars to protect yourself from the coming servitude of the collectivist state that is forming at the hands of One World, World State authoritarians.


Evil is never tolerated by men of courage if they understand clearly that it is evil confronting them. But feckless men, taught from birth that statism is good for them and individualism bad for them, will readily vote for their own enslavement. Many will even relish the subservience and forfeiture of freedom that is required.

Source: The New Totalitarianism – Americans for a Free Republic

The Greatest Depression

There are some great factual numbers here that should make you aware of the scam that is being perpetrated upon us, The American People. We have allowed a Federal Reserve system, no more “Federal” than Federal Express, to decimate the dollar through the relentless printing of instruments of debit. That’s right, debt. Money is Debt. Fiat, created from, the useless Government borrowing to pay its bills, has pushed the United States to the brink of collapse. My suggestion is to continue to $tack gold and $ilver.

Our economic system is simply a confidence game. Our credit-based monetary system requires confidence to remain in a positive mode. Confidence is a perception of reality no matter what reality actually is. When money is credit, it is 100 percent confidence. Confidence in government is at an all-time low.

Source: The Greatest Depression – Personal Liberty®

Gold: The Best Performing Asset Of The 21st Century 

Well, the headline says it ALL. If only I had or why didn’t I? How often have you said I will get some gold and never do. The seasonal lows that we are experiencing are the time to buy. Perhaps you have been listening to me and you have been buying monthly, so you will be acquiring more grams this month for sure.

Gold: The Best Performing Asset Of The 21st Century

Source: Gold: The Best Performing Asset Of The 21st Century | The Sleuth Journal

IMF formed after gold standard abandoned: Precious metals basics

Did you know that the United Nations formed the International Monetary Fund (IMF)? Did you know they were formed to stop the use of Gold and precious metals, thus allowing the infinite creation of fiat?  The destruction of OUR dollar?


With the founding of the United Nations after World War II, representatives of 44 nations met in conference at Bretton Woods, N.H., in July 1944, to form the International Monetary Fund. The IMF is a specialized agency affiliated with the United Nations, designed to stabilize international monetary exchange rates instead of the gold standard. It has no power to dictate national monetary policies. The members of the IMF, it was decided, would all deposit quotas in the fund, only one-quarter of which had to be in gold, and the rest in their own currencies. From this fund, members could purchase with their own national currencies the gold or foreign exchange they needed. The IMF, then, became the world’s largest source of quickly available international credit. By June 1972, the 124-nation fund had provided $24.6 billion in short-term financial assistance.

Source: IMF formed after gold standard abandoned: Precious metals basics

As The World Economy Is Burning Central Bankers Are Clueless

When the paper traders of precious metals realize there is no escape from the finite amount of gold and other metals available, the price will be the moon. The “World Banking Cartel” has to keep their money machines cranking out US Dollars in order to justify their house of cards.

See the lessons learned during the last few financial crisis and the Central Bank response. Also see the value of physical gold and $ilver vs the financial instruments they wish us to believe in. The final demise is approaching very quickly…

As The World Economy Is Burning Central Bankers Are CluelessBy Egon von Greyerz The more things change, the more they stay the same. The financial world loves focusing on some future event that the…

Source: As The World Economy Is Burning Central Bankers Are Clueless | GoldSwitzerland

If you own no gold, you may want to buy some

This year will probably be the last chance that you will be able to acquire gold at these prices. We may see gold fall back slightly and we may see gold spike upward with no look back. Those that have followed me know that I have said that before.  The metals have gone both up and down and I have continued to convert.  I have found over the years that converting Federal Reserve Notes to gold and $ilver monthly has benefited my concern for getting gold and $ilver at the top.  Do it soon or be forever without.

Remember, the amount of grams you hold is what is important.

Nichols, a senior economic advisor to precious metals asset firm Rosland Capital, is on board of the bull wagon — he expects the metal price to rise before Jan 1. 2017.

Source: If you own no gold, you may want to buy some — Jeffrey Nichols | MINING.com

Get On The Goldwagon

All I can add to this presentation is that if you have no insurance against the coming hyperinflation, then you better get some. Gold and $ilver are “Real Money”. When you own physical Gold and $ilver there is no counter party risk. It is yours. Plain and simple. You trade it for what you need and have some leftover. In the real scheme of life, what matters most is how many grams or ounces you possess.

Get On The Goldwagon To $10,000 By Egon von Greyerz   Between 1999, when gold bottomed at $250, and the 2011 peak at $1,920 there was only one major correction lasting 8 months in 2008. The en…

Source: Get On The Goldwagon | GoldSwitzerland

We Don’t Have a Wage Problem; We Have a Money Problem

Those of us that know the value of “money”, know that it’s worth is it’s ability to hold value. Paper scripts, promissory notes, Federal Reserve notes (FRN), all have a common denominator, they carry with them third party risk. Whenever you convert these to Gold or $ilver, you have sole possession. No one can hold any claim against them.  The picture below illustrates the difference between money versus “real money”.  Gold and $ilver.

Convert today before the rush!

In June, the Washington DC Council voted to raise the city’s minimum wage to fifteen per hour. DC joins New York and California, along with a number of major US cities that have made the move to boost the […]

Source: We Don’t Have a Wage Problem; We Have a Money Problem – Peter Schiffs Gold News