Category Archives: Creeping Sharia

HAMAS Charter redux: Can a leopard change its spots?

The mere fact that the PLO and HAMAS are acronyms for the same terrorist organization should say enough about the title. How can a leopard change its spots? It can not and will not. The Ottoman Empire, the original Islamic caliphate, conquered and destroyed the lands of the early Jewish and Christians. They built their mosque over our land and then have the gall to call it their own!!

One of Israel’s key demands of Palestinians is that the Jewish state be recognized as legitimate. This month the Palestinian terrorist group HAMAS published a revised charter that purports to show the organization…

Source: HAMAS Charter redux: Can a leopard change its spots?

Delaware State Trooper shot to death by Muslims reciting Qur’an

The radical jihadists are coming out more and more. Why is this not mainstream news? If this were a police officer shooting a black man, the media would be all over it. Instead, in order to suppress the news of terror and evil islam, it is suppressed.


Source: Delaware State Trooper shot to death by Muslims reciting Qur’an

Christianity Doomed in Iraq, Says ‘Vicar of Baghdad’

As the caliphate progresses, the infidels will be subject to genocide. We have seen this starting with the Armenians and progressing throughout the Middle East. Christians and Jews are killed, maimed, raped and robbed and purged from the land. If we will not stop it in the Middle East, will we stop here in the West?  Why do we allow this migration to occur. Like the Trojan Horse, we bring the enemy into our Country, feed them, nurture them and allow them to strive. They take, take, take and do not assimilate. Why do we allow such behavior. THINK, Muslim Brotherhood!

Islamic State will stop at nothing to purge their land of ‘infidels’

Source: Christianity Doomed in Iraq, Says ‘Vicar of Baghdad’ | Observer

Erdogan Is Planning To Convert Hagia Sophia To A Mosque Declaring A War Between The Crescent And The Cross

The evil one’s bishop is being challenged by the light of the Cross. While he thinks it is still the way, to build mosques over cathedrals, the West had better awaken to this very real threat of the war on the cross. The Turks started with the Armenians and they are not going to stop until the declared caliphate is obtained.

In today’s world where things are in reverse, the majority foolish ‘conservatives’ are lazy servants. Their ears are easily tickled and they quickly go to sleep, but the few wise are not easily excited and they are fully awake, stubborn against evil, steadfast, refusing to have their ears tickled.Think in reverse. These days, what sounds good and what tickles your conservative ears is pre-planned to have people vote the way of evil.

Source: Erdogan Is Planning To Convert Hagia Sophia To A Mosque Declaring A War Between The Crescent And The Cross | Walid Shoebat

In Referendum on Refugees, Rutland Mayor Loses Reelection Bid 

I post this a an example of why we must “engage the politicos”. But their hard work and strong perseverance the Rutlanders pushed an unworthy mayor out of office. If you recall, Mayor Louras unilaterally decided to bring refugees into Rutland. Power corrupts and money corrupts power absolutely. Great job citizens of Rutland, standing for your city.

In Referendum on Refugees, Rutland Mayor Loses Reelection Bid

Source: In Referendum on Refugees, Rutland Mayor Loses Reelection Bid | Off Message

Government Report: Islamists Building ‘Parallel Society’ in Sweden Aided By PC Culture of Silence 

The muslim brotherhood is busily influencing European liberals and have made “real headway” in Sweden. According to this government report, they have infiltrated ALL aspects of Swedish life and are pushing very hard for shariah law. This is happening here. It is time to declare the muslim brotherhood the “HOOD” that it is.

Source: Government Report: Islamists Building ‘Parallel Society’ in Sweden Aided By PC Culture of Silence | The Counter Jihad Report

Former Obama officials, loyalists waged secret campaign to oust Flynn to preserve Iran deal

With the continued influence of the muslim brotherhood, it is no wonder that these leaks and snafu’s are occurring. Especially when you factor in Iran. The Manchurian “fundamentally transformed” and now we see the result of that. An out of control infrastructure that needs a complete rebuild.Source: Former Obama officials, loyalists waged secret campaign to oust Flynn to preserve Iran deal

Shootout at U.S. Consulate in Nuevo Laredo Part of Cartel-Terrorist Attack Plan for Trump Inauguration 

We have been hearing about these more and more. I have no intel except for Judicial Watch, which I consider a good source. I post this as a heads up in the continuing battle against the progressive movement that is underlying our country.

Judicial Watch, January 12, 2017: A deadly shootout at the construction site of the new American Consulate occurred this week in a Mexican border town where Islamic terrorists and drug cartels plan…

Source: Shootout at U.S. Consulate in Nuevo Laredo Part of Cartel-Terrorist Attack Plan for Trump Inauguration | The Counter Jihad Report

Switzerland: Court rules Muslim girls must swim with boys, government says integrate or leave

The Swiss believe in integration. The Court even used that in its ruling,

The Basel court stated that it was greatly “in the public interest that all children, including girls of the Muslim faith, go to school swimming lessons”. This was not only so that they should learn to swim but also because such lessons encouraged socialisation and integration, it continued.

I can only hope and pray that the rest of Europe will awaken to the fact that if you do not require the Muslim to integrate then they should be asked to leave.  Not kowtowed too.  The Swiss education requires swimming lessons. See here for more background on these cultural conflicts.

“Court rules Muslim girls MUST swim with boys after Government says integrate or leave,” by Rebecca Perring, Express, January 10, 2017:

SWITZERLAND has won a landmark court case, which has ruled Muslim parents must send their children to mixed swimming lessons.

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) said school bosses are justified in enforcing the “full school curriculum” and children’s “successful integration” into society.

Although the court recognized religious freedoms were being interfered with, judges said there was no violation.

Source: Switzerland: Court rules Muslim girls must swim with boys, government says integrate or leave

1,000 Muslims screaming “Allahu akbar” set fire to Germany’s oldest church on New Year’s Eve

And we keep hearing the mantra that “Islam is a religion of Peace”?? Well, time and again we see violent attacks as believers confront non-believers and their houses of worship. We of the United States must awaken our legislators to these facts and stop kowtowing to the muslim brotherhood. The more muslims that are allowed to migrate here, the more we are subject to these archaic ways of life. They are bound by their love of their messenger of god that calls for this violence. We must stop believing that this is a religion. It is a political institution that calls for its own law, shariah which is against our constitution.

Source: 1,000 Muslims screaming “Allahu akbar” set fire to Germany’s oldest church on New Year’s Eve