NYC Catholics And Jews Join To Fight Democrat Assaults On Religious Liberty

The Diocese of Brooklyn and Agudath Israel of America have filed lawsuits against Governor

Cuomo’s arbitrary and capricious COVID restrictions on religious assembly.

According to New York’s WABC-TV, The Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn on Thursday, filed a lawsuit in federal court against the state of New York, on the basis of violating their First Amendment right, the free exercise of religion. The lawsuit is in response to the New York State executive order issued this week that reduces capacity at Catholic Churches throughout Brooklyn and Queens.

“The executive orders this week have left us with no other option than to go to court. Our churches have the capacity to accommodate many worshippers and to reset our attendance capacity to 10 people maximum in the red zone, and 25 people in the orange zone, when we have had no significant cases, impedes our right to worship and cannot stand,” Bishop of Brooklyn Nicholas DiMarzio said. “The State has completely disregarded the fact that our safety protocols have worked and it is an insult to once again penalize all those who have made the safe return to Church work.”