Daily Archives: 20 Oct 2020

7 Reasons Joe Biden Isn’t Qualified to Be President

Found this on the net. Some really good points her from, Dr. Gene A Youngblood Pastor of the 1st Conservative Baptist Church in Jacksonville, FL.
First Conservative Baptist Church
12021 Old Saint Augustine Road
Jacksonville, Florida 32258
904-262-7777 Email Dr. Youngblood

It is generally accepted that for someone seeking a professional position in the marketplace, to be QUALIFIED to fill the requirements of the position. The office of President of the United States of America should be no less. Our president should be eminently qualified. As you read this newsletter, America has only a few days left to decide IF we want a Constitutional Republic as we have been so blessed to experience for the past 244 years OR devolve into a banana republic, better known as a Socialists-Marxists-BLM-Democratic nation. The CHOICE could not be more clear. We have seen and heard some of the voices against the reelection of President TRUMP, yet, we must recognize that Trump is QUALIFIED to be President. He has shown this in the extremely LONG list of accomplishments for America. President Trump stands for our Bill of Rights, including Our Religious Liberties, our right to keep and bear arms. He has stood firmly for the RIGHT TO LIFE, and against Abortion. President Trump has stood with Israel. He has protected our southern borders from the invasion of illegal immigrants. He has taken a stand for Marriage and the FREEDOM of worship and the re-opening of our churches.

BUT, we are told that Joe Biden should be elected, yet, in a close examination we find that JOE BIDEN IS DISQUALIFIED TO BE PRESIDENT. We are considering ONLY SEVEN reasons for Biden’s disqualifications as follows:

1.   MORALLY: Joe Biden is not morally qualified to serve as president based on His own statements and his moral choices. Biden says openly that the number one PRIORITY after election will be to enact federal law either by executive orders or by legislation, “The Equality Act”. This is HB-5 that Nancy Pelosi passed in the US House with 240 votes and is now in the Senate with 47 senators having signed on for approval. The Equality Act is a bill that legislates the morality for our nation. It is the LGBTQ agenda put into law. Should Biden get elected and the Equality Act become the law of the land, it will: bring about the persecution of Christians, Churches, Christian adoption agencies, and Christian Schools and colleges. It will force Christian bakers, florist and business to go against their Biblical, Christian consciences and hire Sodomites. It will provide insurance coverage that pays for abortion for all of their employees. This law would force pastors and churches to be silent on any and all issues that touch on the life and lifestyle of the LGBTQ agenda OR be prosecuted. This new federal Law would force all bathrooms, locker rooms, showers, and dressing rooms to be OPEN to perverts that would prey on young girls and our mothers and wives. RESEARCH H B-5 for a real eye-opener.

2.   SPIRITUALLY: Yes, Joe Biden is NOT qualified to be president based on Biblical principles as found in Exodus 18:21. The Bible is clear, we must elect MEN that Reverence God. This means Men that honor God, fear God and obey HIM. Yet, Biden says that Christians are “THE DREGS OF SOCIETY” (Biden quote 2018 as he addresses the LGBTQ activists). Joe Biden does not reverence God, he literally spits in the face of God. Joe Biden is for murder by abortion up to and including even after delivery. The Bible calls this murder, Exodus 20:13. America is guilty of murdering about 61 million babies in the mother’s womb since Roe vs Wade in 1973. This is the main reason the socialists-Marxists-BLM- Democrats have fought so hard against Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination for the supreme court. Biden is perhaps the most PRO-ABORTION, PRO-SODOMITE, ANTI-GOD candidate in recent history.

3.   ETHICALLY: Joe Biden and his son Hunter have used Joe Biden’s political position as Senator and Vice President with Obama for years to enrich themselves. Joe Biden has been in the Washington beltway for about 50 years, yet he cannot point to a single thing done legislatively for the American people, contrariwise Joe just last year had an income of about $13.2 million dollars that he paid VERY LITTLE taxes on while blaming President Trump for his small tax payment. Joe Biden’s son through Joe’s influence was able to receive over $50,000.00 per month to sit on a board out of the Ukraine. Hunter Biden also received a $1.5 Billion contribution to his investment portfolio to reinvest for the Chinese communist government, of which the Chinese were able to make approximately 3.5 trillion dollars from American businesses. The full facts and TRUTH of these illegal acts are JUST NOW being completely revealed. JOE BIDEN is Not concerned about America. His ethics are only what will enrich the Biden family and their friends.

4.   ECONOMICALLY: Joe Biden is a Socialists-Marxists Globalists. Joe is NOT interested in the financial condition of America. Biden has committed to provide FREE medical care for everyone including illegal immigrants; FREE education for all in America, both citizens and illegals (of which, according to researchers, Biden intends on bringing another 52 million immigrants into America). Biden says that he will cancel the TRUMP tax cuts, which will cause the loss of about $2,000 per household of American citizens. Biden has fully committed to “The Green New Deal” that will cost taxpayers upward of one hundred trillion dollars over the next ten years. This will destroy our oil drilling and natural gas production. It will destroy the coal industry. It will destroy the airline commerce and will cause the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs for Americans. Biden sees America as under the rule and authority of the U.N, NOT as a sovereign nation. YES, under a Biden administration, America could easily be plunged into a national depression that would make the 1929-33 depression look like a child’s picnic.

5.   POLITICALLY: Joe Biden has been in the DC political beltway for almost 50 years as a politician. But, he now plans to do what he has NOT been able to do in the past 50 years. If elected president Joe plans to PACK the Supreme Court. He wants the courts to become a SUPER legislative body, rather than a judicial body. What the Socialists-Marxists-BLM-Democrats could not do legislatively they intend to do via the courts. Biden has NO concerns for Americans’ safety or security as a president will swear under oath to protect and defend when elected. Joe and all of the Left have used the BLM terrorists THUGS to burn, vandalize, loot, pillage, and destroy billions of dollars of property in America, yet, they have remained completely silent. WHY?? Because Biden and the Left want to see the constitutional Republic known as America destroyed so that they can bring in the New World Order, the global government with the loss of American sovereignty. Keep in mind Kamala Harris has said that the riots by the BLM should continue up to and beyond the election. Remember the Marxists tactic is to divide a nation and thus be able to overthrow its foundations. Jesus reminds us that a nation or house divided against itself shall not stand (Matthew 12:25).

6.   CONSTITUTIONALLY: Joe Biden will destroy our constitution. In particular our Bill of Rights. He has emphatically stated that he intends on the cancellation of our second amendment rights to keep and bear arms. He will confiscate privately held firearms. He has said that he will institute the LGBTQ agenda and that it will take priority over ANY religious liberties. We have already witnessed the stage rehearsal of the coming persecution and prosecution of the churches in America. Joe will use HB-5 to carry out his agenda to destroy our constitutional liberties and freedoms. Through open borders, Joe will destroy our sovereignty and surrender our national security to the United Nations, NOT American-constitutional law, but, international law. Remember it was Ruth Bader Ginsberg who said that we should use international law and our constitution to decide legal issues before the courts.

7.   COGNITIVELY: It is no longer a suspicion or a theory, but a fully recognized fact that Joe Biden is not mentally or cognitively capable of administering the office of president. He forgets what city or state he is speaking in. He cannot finish most sentences and patterns of thought. He will begin a statement and wander off into another thought and statement with NO connectivity. Joe cannot speak without the aid of a teleprompter, or having note cards, and or someone providing him with the answers to any questions. Joe has completely avoided the open, hard questions from any of the press. Joe has remained hidden in his basement, rather than facing the public scrutiny. Just this week the former OBAMA physician said; “something is NOT right” with the democratic presidential nominee. Yes, Dr. Ronny Jackson the former White House physician to Obama, said Joe, is “JUST LOST” AND SUGGESTED THAT BIDEN should take some kind of cognitive test. Why? Because he seems to have “many blunders, outbursts of anger, moments of confusion, and slurred speech.” America just cannot afford to elect Joe Biden as President of the United States of America. The risk is just too great.
This is why I am personally voting for President Trump who has a proven record of standing for America, standing against murder by abortion, standing for our religious liberties and our right to keep and bear arms. President Trump has stood with Israel and provided political leadership to preserve our constitutional republic as no other president in recent history.


Remember our VOTE by November 3rd will determine the future destiny of America.