Ted Cruz Is In The U.S. Senate Illegally?

The Constitution continues and has to continue to be the Law of the Land. Those that which to tread outside the limits of OUR Constitution will be found in violation of same. Why is it that these inconsistencies occur? I believe that OUR Constitution, as it is presented, is the old Constitution. Old you SAY?  Yes, old, but original.  During the time after the Civil War, our Country was bankrupted and reorganized as a corporation.  The new corporation is in charge.  So, we get these problems occurring.  We have a sitting Senator whom is not an American citizen and now he wants to be our President?  Not even sure that Rubio is eligible to be Senator or President for that matter.  You decide what you will do with the information.

Will you continue to go along with the go along, or will you research and find the truth?

US Senator Ted Cruz, from Texas, has been under fire in his bid for the White House due to his Canadian citizenship records which make it quite clear that he does not meet the Constitutional “natural born Citizen” requirement for the Oval Office, despite the opinion letter from his Harvard friends.

Source: Ted Cruz Is In The U.S. Senate Illegally? — NALC