A Trump Presidency and the Muslims 

If you choose to believe that because we have a Constitutional Republic that we can withstand the onslaught of the muslim hijra, think again. The piece from Americans for a Free Republic by its Director, Nelson Hultberg will open your eyes. He documents along with our friend Frosty Wooldridge the timeline of the invasion and its battles along the way. Most these battles were not here but are now becoming more frequent here in the States.


commentry-insideWe confront today the same severity of crisis that the Austrians and Europeans of the seventeenth century faced in confronting the Ottoman Turks. Religious primitives are invading us. True, our crisis is not the open militaristic invasion faced by Europe at that time. But it is still an invasion that we confront. It is still death and destruction at the hands of Muslims that we face if we do not rise up to rationally defend ourselves. So Trump is quite correct to ban all Muslim immigrants.

Source: A Trump Presidency and the Muslims – Americans for a Free Republic