Tag Archives: jizya

“Not All Muslims Are Terrorists”

This title is true. NOT ALL Muslims are terrorists, but most terror attacks today are in the name of jihad. Ever wonder why? Well jihad is prescribed by the savage Muhammad, so-called messenger of Allah. So what do know, violent jihad is acceptable to most muslims as a way of forcing sharia on the world. This Citizen Warrior Blog is full of information and I have it bookmarked.

Source: Citizen Warrior: “Not All Muslims Are Terrorists”

An Open Letter To Obama On His Christmas Message

I suggest that you read this piece and understand its implications. The Christian World has been under attack since the beginning of islam. Notice in the article that the caliph umar allowed the Christians to live but they had to live as dimmis. Do you think that islam is any different today? Think again my friends and consider the history as to what is to come. Unless we non islamic people stand up and say “no” to the migration of the islamic culture to OUR COUNTRY, we are setting ourselves up to fail. Failing means being subjected to islamic rule and sharia.

The silence of church bells for more than a thousand years across the Middle East bears witness to the conquest and long-standing suppression of Christian societies under Islamic rule. Recent genocidal attacks on Christians by ISIL are sadly but the end-stage of a long series of abuses.

Source: An Open Letter To Obama On His Christmas Message

Destroy Islam or Islam will destroy US – Here is the Proof – Walid Shoebat

Soon we will be fighting these savages in our land. We must not allow this hijaj to continue as it will weaken our resolve. These savages are just that. They have no concern for others, only their evil muhammad.


Our contest is not only whether we ourselves shall be free, but whether there shall be left to mankind an asylum on earth for civil and religious liberty. Samuel Adams

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It appears the final count down is approaching. Islam is at war with the non Muslim World, the average American seems …

Source: Destroy Islam or Islam will destroy US – Here is the Proof – Walid Shoebat

Medina—The First Muslim Refugee Resettlement Program

Jesuit Father Samir Khalil Samir

Jesuit Father Samir Khalil Samir

Would you say ISIS is in any way representative of true Islam?
We hear, very often, Muslims say: ‟This has nothing to do with Islam.” This is a spontaneous reaction of Muslims on the street. But, in fact, it’s a false reaction. This is a part of Islam, and we can find it in the Quran itself and much more in the life of Mohammed, who had a very strong and violent attitude toward unbelievers.  .. quote from Father Samir on ISIS

Here are some reasons for the West, especially the United States, to consider the choices that are being made. Are we allowing ourselves to become part of the worldwide caliphate?  Are we being duped by our political correctness into to submission?  I encourage you to consider the previous questions during this time of the Refugee Resettlement that is occurring.  These refugees are being supplanted out of their culture into our culture.  They are being expected to leave all that they have learned of the greatness of their culture and now become a part of our culture.  No matter whether they are for radical jihad or not, they are for jihad, as it is in their teaching.

Please remember that our forefathers pledged their life, their fortune and their sacred honor to protect the liberty that they achieved   Be sure you do the same.


With all the talk about the Syrian refugees, one point is often overlooked. Much of the debate focuses on the question of whether or not the refugees can be reliably vetted. If they can be certified as one hundred percent terrorist-free, then, presumably, the resettlement can safely proceed. But even if every terrorist could be …

Source: Medina—The First Muslim Refugee Resettlement Program – Crisis Magazine

There, I said it: Islam is the enemy

For those that believe the threat of islam is a hoax, I instruct you to understand the history of islam. From its roots of the “angel”, lucifer himself disguised as an angel, dictating to muhammad to the destruction of the so-called “pagans”. If you still believe it is a way of life that is not threatening to our culture, then I suggest you join the cult and become a savage.

A secularist nation with a secularistic approach to addressing the Islamic threat cannot have the wisdom or the stamina necessary for what is likely to be a protracted fight for many years to come. America must rediscover its Christian roots.

Source: There, I said it: Islam is the enemy

What Does ISIS Hope to Achieve With Random Violence?

As so well stated here, the barbaric culture of islam believes the West is soft. They believe that we will submit to their way of life.  By continually battering us with violence, they seek to achieve sharia. We will NOT SUBMIT, nor will be lead down the path of destruction.  We the people are awakening and becoming aware.  This so-called threat of domination has awakened the AMERICAN SPIRIT.  The very same spirit that was awakened during the Battle of Tripoli and World War II.

what is isis goal or strategy

Source: Citizen Warrior: What Does ISIS Hope to Achieve With Random Violence?

Shariahville, USA: Cities ‘surrender’ to Islam

Coming to a town near you sooner than you think. Once the call to prayer begins it is the demise of your community as you know it.

A city on the outskirts of Detroit known since early nineteen hundreds as a thriving Polish community has been fully transformed by globalism and the federal government’s Islamic immigration program. The bulk of the change has occurred over the past …

Source: Shariahville, USA: Cities ‘surrender’ to Islam

      alexis de tocqueville

Brigitte Gabriel exposes the muslim brotherhood plan to defeat the West

Brigitte Gabriel, for those that do not know, is the founder of Act for America. Ms. Gabriel is one of the leading national security experts in the world -providing information and analysis on the rise of Islamic terrorism. See more about Ms. Gabriel here. The presented documents that she is speaking about come directly from the muslim brotherhood. Think this is some lunacy on the part of right wing conspirators, think again. The documents were part of the trial of the money laundering trial to fund terrorists.  The bottom line is that their plan is to migrate to the West and then force change upon us.



Spotlight on Geert Wilders: His Warning to America, the “Last Man Standing” for Judeo-Christian Values and Western Civilization

Geert Wilders has been sounding the cry for many years and now his earliest works are coming to fruition. If ever there was a man and his words to consider, he is one of the remaining statesmen.

Spotlight on Geert Wilders: His Warning to America, the “Last Man Standing” for Judeo-Christian Values and Western Civilization

Source: Spotlight on Geert Wilders: His Warning to America, the “Last Man Standing” for Judeo-Christian Values and Western Civilization – Eagle Rising