Tag Archives: debt

Trump Administration turning out to be the Goldman Sachs Administration

Yes, Donald Trump is my choice for President. The reason for the post is that no matter how patriotic, grassroots or “outsider” you are, your friends and associates will define you. This is the reason for our efforts to continue to watch ALL POLITICOS, yes, even our Brother Donald J. Trump.

Donald Trump’s promise to drain the swamp doesn’t extend to the bankster class. In fact, if anything, Trump is giving the banksters even more seats at the power table – especially Goldman Sachs.

Source: Trump Administration turning out to be the Goldman Sachs Administration – Personal Liberty®

Black Magic Fraud to be exposed in 2017 – Gold up 300x 

So what will you do when you go to the bank or ATM and the doors are locked or the system is down? Do you have enough cash on hand to last the early days of a complete meltdown. Probably not. Like most you are lucky to have any cash at all. Forget about cash at that point because just like we saw during the gas crisis where gas stations would only accept “$ilver Coins” for gas, cash will not be king.

Convert to some hard assets that you can readily access before the rush. I can help you find your way.

Black Magic Fraud to be exposed in 2017 – Gold up 300x By Egon von Greyerz At the beginning of a new year it would be totally natural to forecast what the likely events and trends will be for 2017.…

Source: Black Magic Fraud to be exposed in 2017 – Gold up 300x | Matterhorn – GoldSwitzerland | Matterhorn – GoldSwitzerland

Retired Army Colonel Says Her Social Security Checks Were Garnished to ‘Curtail Dissent’

Can not say I was aware of this. The mere fact that Social Security Administration would revoke your pension if jailed for 30 days or more is insane. That is our money not some entitlement. This tyranny has to end.  Our government is being run by those that think they rule over us.  Whether you agree with the circumstances or not does not matter, it is the insane irony of OUR government gone wild.

The website for the Social Security Administration states, “We will suspend your Social Security benefits if you are confined to a jail, prison or other penal institution for more than 30 continuous days due to a criminal conviction.” The policy means that people incarcerated in U.S. jails and prisons—who are disproportionately likely to be people of color—are already being financially penalized, in addition to the punishment handed to them by their jailers.

Meanwhile, data recently compiled from the Government Accountability Office shows that older Americans who are saddled with unpaid student debt are having their social security checks garnished. The GAO reports that, in the fiscal year 2015, the Department of Education “collected about $4.5 billion on defaulted student loan debt, of which about $171 million —less than 10 percent—was collected through Social Security offsets.”

Ann Wright says she was hit with retaliation after protesting at a U.S. drone base.

Source: Retired Army Colonel Says Her Social Security Checks Were Garnished to ‘Curtail Dissent’

Who’s behind the war on cash? 

It is said that what happens across the “pond” eventually comes to America. As we have seen with the migration of refugees, so will the continued limits on banking. We already have suspicious looks whenever we deposit cash into our accounts, as if we are drug dealers or black marketeers. Bankers are required to report large sums, currently a minimum between 5,000 and 10,000 dollars is a trigger. It used to be that 10,000 was the break-point but it has slowly leveraged down. Eventually we will be an ATM society. I can only suggest that you definitely have gold and $ilver in your possession for when the proverbial hits the fan, nobody, not even black marketeers will want worthless currency. Even the 90% silver coins that used to circulate will become very valuable as a barter item.  Especially since we have nearly 20 trillion dollars floating around.

There is little more destructive to the health, wealth, happiness, well-being and liberty of the populace than when the government decides to make policy to make its citizens’ lives better, protect them from crime, make their children safe or help them preserve their wealth.

Source: Who’s behind the war on cash? – Personal Liberty®

Trump’s first 100 days 

I am relieved that we have a new administration in the making. I voted for the Trump/Pence team and sincerely believe this is the change that we need. I am encouraged by the fact that we have the Congress as well. NOW, WE the PEOPLE, must hold their feet to the fire and ensure that change will…



I agree with the proposals set forth below and do not wish to see any undone. Consider addressing your thoughts on the President Elect site, “Making America Great Again“.

There are a number of things Donald Trump and Congress should work together to do in Trump’s first 100 days in order to restore liberty and spark economic growth the like of which has never before been seen in this country.

Source: Trump’s first 100 days – Personal Liberty®

There will never be a sound currency system

As you can see from the chart below, Zimbabwe is an extreme case. But what about Venezuela?

These are two modern day examples of currencies gone bust. With 20 trillion dollars in circulation and over 200 trillion dollars in derivatives, it appears we too may be subject to these currency swings.  We do not feel it, yet, because most commodities are priced in dollars.   We may have to pay more for our supplies but the real swoon is yet to come.

Convert today before the rush comes upon you.

Source: There will never be a sound currency system | Matterhorn – GoldSwitzerland | Matterhorn – GoldSwitzerland

Gold Is Near The 2011 Highs 

We Americans have enjoyed the fact that our dollar is the world reserve currency. What does that mean? Most commodities, especially oil and gold, to name a couple, are settled in dollars. The downside to this is that we have had to resort to warring in order to maintain this status. After World War II, America controlled most of the world supply of gold. At that time, we were the winner and were able to control and manipulate the financial markets. That is coming to an end and the result will not be pretty. Especially for those that are dollar hoarders.

Gold Is Near The 2011 Highs By Egon von Greyerz There are a lot of people who are concerned about the performance of gold and the fact that the price after four years of correction is still so far …

Source: Gold Is Near The 2011 Highs | Matterhorn – GoldSwitzerland | Matterhorn – GoldSwitzerland

Don’t worry about the ‘national debt’

It has been said many times throughout history that whomever controls the money controls the people. We have been destroyed by the so called Federal Reserve. No more “Federal” than Federal Express. A private corporation formed in secret and passed by the US Congress in the thinly attended December holiday session. When will they over turn it? Well, just like we hear the Trump-Pence saying, the good old boys are the issue. Our only hope is gold and $ilver, the “REAL” money. Remember “Money is Debt”. Holding gold and $ilver are unencumbered assets.

There’s been some talk on the campaign trail about the “national debt.” Mike Pence stated that the national debt has doubled under President Barack Obama. But what does the “national debt” really mean and is it something we need to worry about?

Source: Don’t worry about the ‘national debt’ – Personal Liberty®

The World is on the Edge of a Deflationary Black Hole

I would heed these words of caution. Does it seem possible that we continue to flood the world with dollars? Of course it does, we use the dollar and do not see the full effect of the overabundance of them. As the worlds reserve currency, we have a fiduciary duty to rein in the spending, but do we? Not we continue on our merry way as if the music shall never stop.  Well you better get insurance for when the music stops.  Choose now while you still can.  As I always advocate, monthly accumulation of gold or silver will be the real insurance. 

THE WORLD IS ON THE EDGE OF A DEFLATIONARY BLACK HOLE The world economy is now at its most dangerous point in history. In virtually every major country or region, there are problems of a magnitude …

Source: The World is on the Edge of a Deflationary Black Hole | Matterhorn – GoldSwitzerland

The New Totalitarianism – Americans for a Free Republic

If ever there was a time to throw off the shackles of progressive government, that time is now. We have passed over the modicum of reality and now enter the “World of Servitude”. As you know, my stance has always been to “End the Fed”. That, “Federal Reserve”, not anymore Federal than Federal Express. You must get yourself aligned with “real money”, Gold and $ilver. Convert some of your dollars to protect yourself from the coming servitude of the collectivist state that is forming at the hands of One World, World State authoritarians.


Evil is never tolerated by men of courage if they understand clearly that it is evil confronting them. But feckless men, taught from birth that statism is good for them and individualism bad for them, will readily vote for their own enslavement. Many will even relish the subservience and forfeiture of freedom that is required.

Source: The New Totalitarianism – Americans for a Free Republic