Category Archives: jihad

Feds bust Hezbollah sleeper cell charged with plotting NYC attack

If we Americans need more reasons to “STOP the REFUGEES” and ban travel from countries that sponsor terror, then here it is. These vermin travel freely to and from these terror training camps and we wonder how they are able to plot against us?? How they can pull this off?? Our “OPEN BORDER POLICY” comes to mind. When is enough enough?? I say it is NOW! DO NOT DELAY. Pressure your legislators to take action and save our way of life.

Iran-backed terror agents taken down by FBI and NYPD.

Source: Feds bust Hezbollah sleeper cell charged with plotting NYC attack

HAMAS Charter redux: Can a leopard change its spots?

The mere fact that the PLO and HAMAS are acronyms for the same terrorist organization should say enough about the title. How can a leopard change its spots? It can not and will not. The Ottoman Empire, the original Islamic caliphate, conquered and destroyed the lands of the early Jewish and Christians. They built their mosque over our land and then have the gall to call it their own!!

One of Israel’s key demands of Palestinians is that the Jewish state be recognized as legitimate. This month the Palestinian terrorist group HAMAS published a revised charter that purports to show the organization…

Source: HAMAS Charter redux: Can a leopard change its spots?

Delaware State Trooper shot to death by Muslims reciting Qur’an

The radical jihadists are coming out more and more. Why is this not mainstream news? If this were a police officer shooting a black man, the media would be all over it. Instead, in order to suppress the news of terror and evil islam, it is suppressed.


Source: Delaware State Trooper shot to death by Muslims reciting Qur’an

Christianity Doomed in Iraq, Says ‘Vicar of Baghdad’

As the caliphate progresses, the infidels will be subject to genocide. We have seen this starting with the Armenians and progressing throughout the Middle East. Christians and Jews are killed, maimed, raped and robbed and purged from the land. If we will not stop it in the Middle East, will we stop here in the West?  Why do we allow this migration to occur. Like the Trojan Horse, we bring the enemy into our Country, feed them, nurture them and allow them to strive. They take, take, take and do not assimilate. Why do we allow such behavior. THINK, Muslim Brotherhood!

Islamic State will stop at nothing to purge their land of ‘infidels’

Source: Christianity Doomed in Iraq, Says ‘Vicar of Baghdad’ | Observer

Muslims Targeting U.S. Churches – Understanding the Threat

This is another reason why the so called muslim religion is not acceptable or compatible with non-muslim beliefs. If you do not adhere to their culture they destroy your churches, towns and may even kill you. Take heed, as this is fomenting here in the United States, as we Americans are so forgiving that we are inviting this upon ourselves.

Source: Muslims Targeting U.S. Churches – Understanding the Threat

Sweden: Muslim migrants defecate, masturbate, scream Islamic chants in church pews

This is the thanks that you get when you welcome refugees into your country. They literally “sh*t” all over you. And now we have the Catholic Charities settling refugees in North Jersey. Gee, I wonder what they will do to our Cathedral.636167999751423309-cathedralThe blasphemy of Catholic Charities to accept Federal money to “settle” refugees. If the Newark Archdiocese wanted to help, they should help the Coptic Church that are getting what is coming to us here in America.  The Coptic believers are being summarily  genocided from their Holy lands and need our support.  Not the families of the aggressors.  The same families that are providing soldiers for continuing jihad against the Catholic and Orthodox Church.  Another example is the Armenian Genocide that just marked the 100 years of the call to the worldwide caliphate.

Source: Sweden: Muslim migrants defecate, masturbate, scream Islamic chants in church pews

Why Egypt’s Muslims Are Bitter Towards Coptic Christians

I do not speak arabic and have to rely on the translated portion of this piece. I have the utmost confidence in Raymond’s translation. You should remember the face of this woman so you can be forewarned of her hatred for Christians. She comes from a sect of unfortunate Christians that denied Christ in order to live as muslims. Evil begets evil. Her belief is the mantra that the crescent will be over the Cross. Not on my watch. Bring it on!

Imam beaten with shoe live on Egyptian TV show for saying Muslim women don’t have to wear veil

Source: Why Egypt’s Muslims Are Bitter Towards Coptic Christians

ISIS to Christians: Convert or “live under the authority of Islam in humiliation,” or “only thing between you and us is the sword”

In order to defeat the curse of islam, one must come to know the enemy. Here is an online propaganda piece that provides great insight into the culture of islam and its bizarro belief that islam should and will reign supreme over the world. Do not be fooled by words that the we are at war with a subculture of islam.  Islamists have the belief that the only god is allah and that those that don’t believe are subservient to the believers. Thus, subject to death and dishonor for their unbelief. Source: ISIS to Christians: Convert or “live under the authority of Islam in humiliation,” or “only thing between you and us is the sword”

Muslims don’t assimilate, they infiltrate

For those that follow my musings, you know that I have been in front of this for some time. The hijra is a tenant of islam. Too conquer the host country through migration. This evil is spreading like wild fire. Not for it’s virtue but for its vice. Why wouldn’t conquering armies like to loot and rape? Why wouldn’t men enjoy multiple women?All I know is that the morally of the West, while going down the toilet is not a reason for allowing this conquest.

Awaken my friends and join with other activists in one place, your local bistro or club. Find your like minded local activists on Restore the USA.

Source: Family Security Matters

Ready for ‘Migrant Onslaught,’ Swiss May Post Tanks at Border

Even my Swiss brothers have had enough of this invasion. Make no mistake about it, it is an invasion. The hijra is a muslim tactic to invade and overpower countries that they want to convert. Like fire ants and cockroaches they keep coming in waves. Their objective is the worldwide caliphate living under sharia. Download and deliver our petition to de-fund the Refugee Resettlement Program.


Switzerland has announced it is considering stationing a tank battalion at its southern border with Italy to close down the Brenner Pass.

Source: Ready for ‘Migrant Onslaught,’ Swiss May Post Tanks at Border