Daily Archives: 30 Mar 2017


If you have been following me at all you must know that I am an advocate for regular accumulation of “REAL MONEY”, gold and $ilver. What that means is that you continue to convert your dollars into bullion, preferably recognizable coins, on a regular schedule. Whether you choose weekly, monthly, quarterly or even daily, JUST DO IT!  As the following article so elegantly describes the coming demise of the dollar, it will be clear why I advocate this.

Gold and silver uptrend has resumed.  Gold has partially reflected the currency money printing and debasement since 1971 by going up 35x. Silver is only up 10x since then. The principal reason for the relatively small rises in gold and especially silver is the constant manipulation and suppression in the paper market. Without that both gold and silver would be many times higher than the current prices. But the paper market can fail at any time and once it does, there will be a price explosion in physical gold and silver whilst the paper metals will become worthless.

Source: THE US OWES THE WORLD 3x THE GOLD EVER PRODUCED | Matterhorn – GoldSwitzerland | Matterhorn – GoldSwitzerland