Category Archives: Local School Board

Maryland’s thought police strike

I am sad to report this.  Have we progressed to the point where “our trusted servants” have inner knowledge of the workings of the mind?

It is nearly impossible to understand how anyone, much less someone with a badge and gun, could make the pole-vault of logic necessary to go from this novel to a decision that necessitated a teacher’s suspension, his home being searched, and a school being effectively locked down “for as long as we deem it necessary.”

via Maryland’s thought police strike | RedState.

National Takeover of School Curriculum

by Phyllis Schlafly

February 26, 2014

Many people said Ho-Hum when Barack Obama threatened to change any law with his pen or phone, and even used that power to personally alter Obamacare and the welfare law, and to “legislate” the Dream Act that Congress refused to pass. But Americans are rising up by the tens of thousands to stop Common Core, which is the current attempt to compel all U.S. children to be taught the same material and not be taught other things parents might think imp….