Wayne Allen Root Agrees ~ A Landslide

While I have been predicting that OUR REPUBLIC will not elect a socialist regime. That the American People are far better off than they were 4 years ago. That I and “We the People” see the change that has occurred for the better, not the worse that the Liberal Fake News Media is portraying. I have said that OUR PRESIDENT will win in a landslide. Now another of those that I follow sees the same. See below and the link.

This is proof of the Trump economic miracle. And proof Trump has handled COVID-19 in an extraordinary way. He kept us alive and, more importantly, employed. He kept our economy alive to fight another day. He kept our businesses open. We have hope; we have opportunity; we have a future. BRAVO, President Trump.

Who’d be dumb enough to vote against that record? Thirty-three percent economic growth? Who’d be dumb enough to vote against the greatest economic growth in history? My answer is no one (except a few dumb Democrats).

Game. Set. Match. Checkmate. Trump will win a smashing electoral landslide on Tuesday.
